We Need to Talk Now that Sol-I knows Heon did not write that he likes her, it’s obvious who did as episode 9 of A Love So Beautiful begins. At school, Se-Hyeong blames her lack of spark on constipation. He’s such a card. She’s too listless to even argue with him until he asks if it’s a lover’s quarrel with Dae-Sung – who just happens to show up. Conveniently, Se-Hyeong’s words get him. Then Sol-I, feeling awkward alone with Dae-Sung ducks into class leaving him totally confused. Sol-I confides is Ha-Young, showing her the Truth note. Ha-Young suggests she’s blinded by Heon, so missing all of Dae-Sung’s good qualities. She tells her to date Dae-Sung but Sol-I is too far gone to consider it. She visits Dae-Sung at the pool and he’s excited to see her. They have a chat but she struggles to say what she wants to say. She blurts out that she saw his Truth note. Seeing her distress, he claims it was a joke and that no one takes that game seriously. He fakes a call from his coach and escapes. Heon waits for Sol-I at their building and casually asks where she’s been. When she says with Dae-Sung he takes it in and quietly advises her not to stay out so late. She’s ecstatic. Meanwhile, Dae-Sung is suffering but plays it well, buying drinks for their whole group so he can treat Sol-I without making a fuss. In a group project, mean girl takes the opportunity to make Sol-I feel bad about her lack of scholastic achievement. How embarrassing in front of Heon. She promises to practice for the debate over the weekend. Heon and Sol-I are hanging out in the park sitting on a blanket and when Sol-I removes her shoe, her athlete’s foot sock is revealed – she claims it’s a mistake. Ha-Young stalks Mr Lee and follows him to the cinema. On her way home she spots Jin-Hwan being bullied by three guys. She steps in to help him, fighting back and then they run. Sol-I was meant to prepare for the debate but it doesn’t look like she has. Heon gives her a tip on how to tackle her piece. She’s inspired and during the debate uses Dae-Sung and other students as an example to back up her view. Classroom success! Afterwards, Jin-Hwan is so impressed at also being noted, he quotes the debate arguments. Sol-I mentions the bullies and the conversation turns – everyone shares their embarrassing moments in support. Even Heon, who claims he got drunk once as a child. Sol-I admits she had – had – athletes’ foot. Somehow that’s the most shocking and they all tease her. Except Dae-Sung, of course. The Flashback is Heon as a kid, practicing karate in a drunken state. Sol-I’s parents chuckle while Sol-I sleeps through the whole thing.

The Episode Review

Everyone has their embarrassing moments and this episode is full of them. From your love interest finding out you like him/her and not reciprocating, to being bullied for pocket money or even embarrassed for not having the answer in class. Even if not these exact moments, we’ve all been there. And Dae-Sung too, we’ve also swallowed our feelings at least once – better to keep a friend than scare him/her away. Or been on the other side – ignoring someone’s feelings rather than risk losing the friendship. It’s a tough one. And especially hard going to see your person so dedicated to someone else. Oh, those words, ‘we need to talk’- you know something unpleasant is coming. Did Sol-I’s debate argument and public admiration of Dae-Sung’s achievements make up for it? Maybe it softened the blow a little bit. But looks like this one is going to sting for a while. There was one moment this episode that felt a little odd – did you notice it too? How did it happen that Heon and Sol-I were out in the park together, sitting on a blanket? I thought maybe they were going to practice for the debate, but that didn’t happen. And weekend hangouts doesn’t seem their norm. Maybe since her birthday, they do spend time socially now. But that moment seemed to be slipped in without much fanfare. And how rare for Sol-I not to have fanfare where Heon is concerned.