Goodbye To You

Episode 8 of Another Self starts this finale right off the back of that shocking ending to the last chapter. With Erdem’s boat sinking and Leyla leaving the girls behind, the fate of their lives are hanging in the balance. Of course, Ada also made a big change in her life too, finally getting rid of Selim.

Do Leyla and Erdem survive?

Sevgi receives a call from the police, sending her and Fiko racing to the station. It’s Leyla; she’s okay after all. It turns out, she was going to leave with Erdem but she and Sarp couldn’t go through with it. She listened to her gut and decided not to get on the boat. When the coast guard showed up, she ran away. The same luck can’t be applied to Erdem. Although he survived, Erdem is taken away by the police after being caught. He calls over to Leyla though, telling her to raise their son as best she can. As a result, Leyla is a mess and the girls do their best to try and cheer her up. Ada and Sevgi reassure Leyla that she’s not on her own, but the conversation changes when they notice Ada’s ring is gone. That’s when the news of her divorce – and subsequent pregnancy- spreads. It even reaches Toprak too. Leyla and Sevgi encourage Ada to face her fears and past, which come in the form of hashing out her issues with Toprak. Given these two had some moments earlier in the season, the pain and problems between them are still lurking.

Does Ada patch up her differences with Toprak?

Ada seeks council from Zaman first, who brings up his family history and, specifically, how that ties into the olive tree outside. He encourages Ada to take off the proverbial backpack and embrace her future. So naturally, she does just that and meets Toprak. Toprak and Ada walk together and plant a tree; a symbolic act to heal their past. Down on the beach, Ada listens to Toprak’s new song and decides she’s going to go back to Istanbul and wrap up her past, sorting out the divorce papers and then seeing where life takes her. Toprak propositions her, deciding she should come with him to the Netherlands so they can start a new life together. He’s convinced that she can practice medicine and this fresh start is just what she needs. Ada decides to think it over.

Is Fiko’s restaurant saved?

There are also issues between Sevgi and her mother too, with the pair ending up having an argument over Zaman’s influence on Sevgi. Given where she started out on her journey, this has been an eye-opening experience for her and in many ways, Sevgi has been liberated from the demons hanging over her. Unfortunately, Muko admits that she reported Zaman and got his practice shut down. With Fiko shutting down his restaurant and Sevgi spinning some legal conditions so Leyla gets off scot-free from Erdem’s drama (and with a hefty sum of money to boot), she decides to save Fiko’s restaurant. She makes a deal with him and they agree on calling their new place, “Eleni’s Tavern.” It’s good news all round and Fiko celebrates by taking Sevgi down to the beach for a beautiful dinner. He admits he’s fallen head over heels in love with her and asks her to marry him. And of course, she says yes! Hoorah! Muko is initially reserved over this news but thanks to Sevgi’s soft touch and Leyla’s help, they heal old wounds and she comes around to the idea. And you know what that means don’t you? That’s right, it’s montage time!

What happens at Sevgi and Fiko’s wedding?

While everyone prepares for the wedding, Ada heads back to Istanbul and signs the divorce papers with Selim, ending this chapter of her life. However, there’s drama on their wedding day though, when Fiko learns that the officiant is sick and won’t be able to attend. Toprak calms him down though, deciding they should just go to the city and sign after. Either way they’re still going to have their celebrations. During the dinner, Selim and Ada actually have a pretty civil chat, with the pair agreeing that divorce is the best thing for them. Ada also tells Selim he’s going to be a great dad. With this resolved, Zaman declares he’s also leaving too, choosing to go on a trip and retire. Oh and Leyla? She marvels over the fact her breasts have seemingly got larger, something she’s been wishing for since the very early moments of episode 1. That night, Sevgi heads into her room and finds a letter from Muko. Within this, she speaks about their family past, including how Sevgi and Muko play into the romance with Aram. When she learns the truth, Sevgi collapses on the floor. As for Ada, she approaches Zaman and confronts him over Sevgi’s condition. She soon learns that he actually studied medicine, typified by the various awards across his room. His mysterious methods entice Ada to learn more, eventually suggesting they team up and re-establish the sessions. Ada has now embraced his teachings after being so doubtful.

How does Another Self Season 1 end?

Toprak understands and the pair kiss. However, this whole incident turns upside down when Flor shows up with Ava, the latter kissing Toprak right in front of Ada. Uh oh! This obviously throws a massive spanner in the works between them. Tellingly, Leyla also finds out that she’s pregnant in the middle of this, while Sevi regains consciousness but is angry and hurt at her mother for keeping such a secret from her. As the episode closes out, the three women join together, hand in hand, as Zaman decides not to retire after all and continue a new round of teachings.

The Episode Review

The final episode rounds out this soapy, introspective series with a decent conclusion for most of the characters but also lots on the table for a potential follow-up. With Leyla now pregnant, the bond between Muko and Sevghi shattered and Ada all-in on Zaman’s teachings, there’s certainly a good foundation to build on going forward. Likewise, the show has managed to keep up the drama across these 8 episodes, although one could argue this really didn’t need that many episodes to tell the story that’s here. The middle chapters – especially 4 and 5 – felt unnecessarily long-winded, especially as Erdem ends up coming back anyway despite such a will he/won’t he angle. Another Self has been an enjoyable watch though, with just the right balance of drama and light touches of humour too. Although this has been lost a bit as the season has gone on, the bond between the girls is ultimately what helps this show stand out. That’s probably just as well too, because the bulk of this series has followed the usual beats and tropes of soapy dramas of its kind. Having said that, the family history and flashbacks at the start of each chapter has been a nice touch, leading into that big, dramatic reveal involving Sevgi. I certainly wouldn’t grumble over a second season being greenlit though. This one has just enough in the tank to make for an enjoyable drama, even if it is a bit long-winded and slow-paced at times. There’s certainly been plenty to like in this final episode though, leaving the door wide open for the future.   Read More: Another Self Season 1 Review Thanks for reading our Ending Explained article! What did you think of Another Self Season 1’s ending? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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