The Basketball Hoop
We are in the final stretch with this drama now as we are getting close to the last episode. This latest chapter brings us another decent installment as Cheong-Ah and Joon-Hwi edge closer to the truth. The finale promises to be quite dramatic and explosive as we say goodbye to our favourite characters and find out who will get their happy ending. The episode starts as Cheong-Ah wakes up wishing she could go to work while Jin-Woo upsets everyone by taking ages in the bathroom. Seol-Ah berates him for it so he promises to go to a public bath. While her mum is preparing breakfast, Seol-Ah tells her that she is feeling sorry for Jin-Woo but plans to tell him to leave today. At breakfast, Jin-Woo is determined to make a good impression and offers to give all the family a ride to work. Meanwhile, Hae-Rang wakes up in Jin-Woo’s bedroom but feels bad so she tells Hwa-Young she will find another place. The old woman insists she stays as she is her weapon and plans to use her from now on. Cheong-Ah speaks to her sister about her work and how much she loves it. She promises to also listen to her radio show then mentions how kind and caring Tae-Rang is, while Joon-Ik worries about where his daughter spent the night. Tae-Rang promises to find her at work and talk to her. In Intermarket, Tae-Rang waits for his sister and sees her arriving with Hwa-Young. When he asks her where she’s staying, Hwa-Young replies that she’s staying with her. Both siblings head to the restaurant and Tae-Rang confronts his sister about his dad worrying. She defends herself and explains that she is more comfortable there even if she knows that Jin-Woo only cares about his ex-wife. He then tells her that he needs to tell his dad she wasn’t in the street but that he just doesn’t want to have a sister like that in his life. During her radio show, Seol-Ah notices that Tae-Rang is distracted. As she leaves the room, he asks her why she has a suitcase. She replies that it belongs to her ex-husband and she’s returning it because he stayed at her place. Tae-Rang starts to get jealous but is interrupted by their producer. She asks outright if there’s something going on, so he replies that he has a crush on her but that the feeling is not mutual, which surprises her. Both walk out together, talking about their situation, then move on the conversation of her sister’s suspension. Seol-Ah arrives at Jin-Woo’s house to return his suitcase and is shocked to find Hae-Rang living there. As she confronts her about it, Hae-Rang blames her for telling her family her deepest secret. Seol-Ah decides to follow her upstairs and as they argue more, Hae-Rang humiliates her by talking about how she and Jin-Woo used to sneak around. Seol-Ah vows not to give him to someone trashy like her. As they head downstairs, Hwa-Young is waiting and confronts Seol who tells her she will return the suitcase if she throws Hae-Rang out. She also finds out that she is trying to have him dismissed which shocks her. Jin-Woo decides to get some food from Tae-Rang to bring to the Kim household. Tae-Rang tells him that Seol-Ah is trying to give him his suitcase back, which makes him realize that she must have gone to his house. He rushes over and finds the three women fighting. After Hwa-Young tries to grab Seol-Ah’s hair, the latter pushes her away and she falls on the floor. Jin-Woo quickly comforts Seol-Ah but ignores his mother who gets angry he didn’t go to her first. Annoyed by the situation, Seol-Ah walks off with Jin-Woo in tow. Tae-Rang lies to his dad and tells him Hae-Rang is staying with a friend while Cheong-Ah continues helping out at the station. Si-Wol visits her and explains that if he wants to have a retrial, he needs a prime suspect or strong evidence. Joon-Ik arrives with a sprained ankle so Cheong-Ah asks Si-Wol to take him back home on his motorbike. In the Moon household, Si-Wol finds out that Joon-Ik gave the trial paper to Cheong as Tae-Rang returns, surprised to see Si-Wol there. While talking to Pae-Rang, he also learns that all three siblings have been adopted. Cheong-Ah arrives to bring medicine so Si-Wol offers to walk her home. He asks her why she didn’t tell him she got the case files while Joon-Hwi watches them. He soon joins them though so Cheong-Ah asks Si-Wol to leave. Joon-Hwi and Cheong-Ah talk and laugh together while Si-Wol watches them sadly. They later have coffee together and Joon-Hwi reveals that he decided to work with athletes because his brother wanted to be a famous basketball player. Meanwhile, Yu-Ra has a nightmare because of what has been happening. While having breakfast with Joon-Hwi, she discusses the difficulties and responsibilities she faces in her job. Joon-Hwi tells her he’s a little worried about what they might find at the hearing when they will decide whether she should be chief of Justice or not. Cheong-Ah carries on with her investigation on the hit and run too. She finds out that the victim had a grandson so she visits the nurse from Paju hospital while Joon-Hwi pays his respects to Ms Park’s remains. He sees a small basketball hoop next to her urn and knows straight way that Joon-Gyeom came here. As he breaks down in tears, Cheong also arrives and hugs him. If there is one thing we can count on with Beautiful Love, it’s Hwa-Young giving us some very dramatic scenes. This time again, she is after Seol-Ah and it ends quite violently. Thankfully, Jin-Woo is still on her side and just leaves her mother on the floor which was quite funny. I still wish those two will get together even if Tae-Rang should be the logical choice for her. The last moment of the episode was quite emotional too as Joon-Hwi and Cheong-Ah both realise what Joon-Gyeom did. Cheong-Ah is even closer to the truth as she knows that Yu-Ra has been involved in covering it up. Will she confront her straight away? We should find out soon and it promises to be very dramatic indeed. With just a few weeks left, I will be sad to stop following the adventures of the Kim sisters but for now, Beautiful Love offers yet another entertaining couple of episodes.