Another Set Up

With just a couple of weeks left, Beautiful Love is starting to wind down its different story lines as we see them unfold and conclude. The pace has certainly picked up a little too, leading to the finale which I’m sure will show some dramatic scenes and more truths revealed. This latest episode concentrated more on its secondary characters but remained interesting because, after all, everyone has a connection in this drama. The episodes start with Si-Wol in a cell in the police station while Hae-Rang and Mr Kim answer questions and explain what happened. Si-Wol is allowed to have one phone call and chooses to contact Cheong-Ah who quickly rushes to his help while her family talk about Jin-Woo and wonder when he will be back from his business trip. Seol-Ah decides to call him to see how he is but he lies about where he is staying. Cheong-Ah arrives in the station and begs Mr Kim to drop the charges, promising that Si-Wol will apologise. Mr Kim ignores her so Cheong-Ah turns her attention to Hae-Rang. She asks her what happened, believing Si-Wol wouldn’t have done anything unless provoked. Hae-Rang replies that he caused a scene at Hwa-Young’s house and reveals that she is also living there at the moment. After this revelation, Cheong-Ah speaks to Si-Wol who thinks he has been set up and reveals another twist: Hae-Rang is his sister. This prompts her to head to Hwa-Young’s house to confront her about what she has been doing to Si-Wol. She wants her to settle the case or he could end up in prison for 2 years. Cheong threatens to go to the media if she doesn’t so Hwa-Young tells Hae-Rang to call the police on her. Cheong-Ah heads to see Joon-Ik next to relay what happened with Si-Wol and how she believes that they did it to put him back in jail, while we see Joon-Hwi confront his mother about her involvement with Si-Wol. He tells her that she needs to come forward once and for all to set him free. He then decides to see Si-Wol as well and offers to get him an attorney as he wants to help. Not knowing where to go after work, Jin-Woo decides to visit Tae-Rang again and offers to share drinks with him. They discuss his current dilemma about whether he should move out of the Kim household so Tae-Rang convinces him to call Seol-Ah. Unfortunately she doesn’t answer so Tae tries as well but he strikes out too. Joon-Hwi decides to confront Mr Kim about what happened as he believes he started the fight because the police were called as soon as the fight started. He denies it all though and quickly walks away. Joon-Ik heads inside his aunt’s house next and confronts her about what she did to Si-Wol. He demands that she settle or he will have to vote against her as he is the biggest shareholder in the company. Jin-Woo finally decides to return to the Kim household. He is a little drunk and tries to apologise to Young-Ae. Young-Woong is happy to see him as he brought alcohol. After sending Yeon-Ah to get some beers, both men drink together. Jin-Woo becomes very tearful when putting his ex-father-in-law in bed. He tells Young-Ae that he will leave quietly in the morning and has decided to break up with Seol-Ah. He later apologises to Cheong for what his family has done to her. In the morning, Jin-Woo speaks to Seol-Ah about how happy he has been to see her every morning but he will keep his mouth shut so she can take all the time she needs. After work, Tae-Rang speaks with Seol about the conversation he had with Jin-Woo. He tells her that Jin-Woo has been thinking about moving out, which prompts her to rush out quickly to her house where she sees that all of his things are gone. She sends him a text and tells him to go back home. Joon-Hwi decides to talk to Mr Kim again and convince him to settle. He tells him he didn’t have a choice and after admitting to setting Si-Wol up, Joon-Hwi reveals that he has been recording him. Mr Kim finally agrees to settle so he calls Hae-Rang to tell her what he has decided. As she hangs up the phone, she comes face to face with Cheong-Ah who reveals that Si-Wol is her brother. Joon-Hwi returns to the police station with the attorney to pick up Si-Wol, as he is now free. They meet Cheong-Ah outside who still berates him for acting the way he did and tells him that next time he should get hit instead. Just as they are about to walk away, Si-Wol sees Hae-Rang and follows her. She tearfully tells him that there is no way he could be his brother, which ends the episode. While Si-Wol seems to always end up in trouble, the silver lining is that he is now not alone anymore and has some good people in his life. We have been seeing quite the development in his character and I am hoping he will soon be free from his dark past. His sister, on the other hand, seems to be getting worse and rejects the fact that they could be siblings. She is proving to be quite the spiteful character and it will be interesting to see what happens to her as we reach the final few episodes. Jin-Woo has really been trying and is the one person that has changed the most in the series so far. Seeing him caring and helping Seol-Ah’s family was quite heartwarming and the relationship he has with Young-Woong is fun and touching too. There is still quite a lot up in the air at the moment and while we could assume that there will be a happy ending for some of the main characters, there are still a few uncertainties and more twists coming I’m sure. At least we don’t have too long to find out!  

Beautiful Love  Wonderful Life   Episodes 89   90 Recap and Review   The Review Geek - 28