Family Matters

Who sent the letter in Matla’s drawer?

Episode 7 of Blood and Water begins with KB questioning Puleng about the picture of her Mum. Puleng believes that she’s responsible for kidnapping Fiks, which she eventually relays on to KB later on after gaining Wade’s help in all this. Off the back of this, KB remains determined to investigate, deciding to find out exactly what his parents are up to. First up, KB heads over to Matla’s place, rooting through the archives and files for clues. In the drawer he finds a letter addressed to Matla with a broken heart on the front. Later on in the episode we find out who this letter is from – it’s Lisbeth. Meanwhile, the students continue to reel over the missing money, and with the Ball upcoming in a few days it doesn’t look good. Wendy believes they should split into teams to maximize earning money, with her holding onto the credit card for now. And what better way to make money than… a school car wash. Oh, the cliches!

What happens to Janet and Samuel?

Elsewhere, Fiks remains in the care of Matla (who has his fair share of secrets of course) while Nwabisa is questioned in custody. Now, Molapo obviously has a stake in this too given he’s operating as her defence lawyer. Another messy player in all this is Janet, the school’s counselor. Given she’s been involved and working with the traffickers, Samuel implores her to speak her truth. Only, someone breaks into her house before she can, swiping her laptop and taking off. When Janet goes looking, she’s tackled to the ground. When police find out about the attack, they decide that Janet is more deeply involved than they first thought. In fact, they’re going to press forward with the next steps. This basically means moving her and Samuel into witness protection as soon as possible. Given the family have plans with Fiks for dinner, Samuel is incredulous as he realizes he’s going to have to skip out on that – and not even get to tell Fikile either. And just to add insult to injury – Sam is forced to hand over his phone.

Do Puleng and Wade make up?

In the midst of all this drama, Wade and Puleng hash out their problems. The pair head out on a date together at the aquarium and get along like a house on fire. After a bit of drama regarding what to wear, Puleng and Wade kiss, sealing their pairing once more. However, there is some drama later on that looks to usurp that but we’ll get to that in a bit!

Who is Fik’s father?

Matla vists Nwabisa in prison and implores her to speak to Brian Bhele about what she hiding. Nwabisa refuses though, remaining stubborn and promising to reveal the truth if he doesn’t get her out of there. This doesn’t go to plan though as Nwabisa is forced to remain behind bars for the time being. Speaking of the truth, the detective gathers Fik and the family, revealing the paternity test results. The DNA confirms that Fikis definitely Thandelka’s daughter…but not Julius’s. This basically means Thandelka had an affair at some point in the past and this betrayal has far-reaching consequences. After all, Julius has been raising a girl that’s not even his own daughter. These results also confirm that she’s the half-sister to Puleng, which is properly put to bed now after a bit of a start/stop affair on this plot line. Through it all though, we’re still no closer to finding out who Fik’s father really is.

What happens at the Ball?

The Ball is a disaster and with money tight and both the catering and music skimped out on, Principal Daniels takes Wendy aside and questions her over what’s going on. Chris tries his best to stick up for her but it’s no good. Daniels wants them in her office the following day to break down exactly what’s happened. With everything looking hopeless, it’s actually KB that saves the day. Using Matla’s credit card he manages to pay the DJ, who at least brightens up a somewhat tepid party. Wildcard Reece decides to come forward in the wake of all this drama, admitting to Principal Daniels that she’s the one dishing out drugs around school. It’s a subplot that’s been simmering most of the season too and she eventually does the right thing.

How does Blood and Water season 2 end?

Backstage, Puleng and KB get talking. He’s not happy with the way they ended things and leans forward, kissing her tenderly. Puleng doesn’t pull away though and embraces the kiss. Given she’s with Wade now, that’s not exactly a great look. When Fiks shows up at the party she gets talking to Puleng. She’s worried about Samuel, given the radio silence, and believes something may have happened. Before she can elaborate though, she’s escorted off the dancefloor and bundled into the back of a police car. Meanwhile, Nwabisa is grabbed en-route to the police station and captured by mysterious armed thugs. They take her down to the docks and demand she talk. As a chair scrapes across the floor, the camera pans up to reveal Lisbeth! She’s there to get answers and immediately demands to know who Puleng is and what part she has to play in this. Uh oh…

The Episode Review

So Blood and Water ends on a big old cliffhanger, leaving the door wide open for a possible third season to follow. With the way this one concludes, it would seem like Netflix will renew this but we’ll have to wait and see. The first season was received pretty well by audiences, although to be honest the show unashamedly leans into all the usual teen drama tropes – and that much is still the same here too. The whole Puleng/Fik restraining order subplot is thankfully dropped during the midway point and seeing the girls work together again actually made this season stronger than the first. However, the investigative work and rabbit hole plunging can only go so far with so many tropes cropping up. It also doesn’t help that the “big twist” of the show about Puleng and Fik being sisters hardly comes as a surprise, especially given we already knew this. Despite that though, this second season has been enjoyable, regardless of how predictable it is. With the conclusion hinting more drama to come, Blood and Water bows out with an enjoyable finale with a big old twist at the end.