The Joining


Episode 5 of Cursed begins with our first look at Cumber the Ice King. Unfortunately it’s a fleeting view at best as we cut across and catch up with Pym, who’s currently working onboard a Viking ship. She pretends to be a Fey with Dof’s guidance and is allowed to stay on the Viking ship as a healer.


Despite his best efforts, Merlin finds himself under arrest for treason. Uther and his Mother contemplate what to do with him, eventually settling on a public execution. Once Merlin is disposed of, they agree to align themselves with the Red Paladin and get the Sword of Power for themselves. On the back of this, Uther heads down to the dungeons and talks to Merlin about his fate. Just before he’s beheaded infront of a whole crowd of people, Nimue’s note arrives informing that the Sword Of Power is coming to him. With this note, his life is saved for now.

Red Paladin

Father Carden heads into a tent and meets the Pope. Unfortunately when he finds out about the Witch they’ve burnt on the stake, he tells Carden to get the sword back for them or his Trinity will take control of the Paladin. On the back of burning the Abbey, Sister Iris approaches a group of Paladin and requests to be part of their group. They reject her though and instead tell Iris to bring them the head of the Witch. Only then will they take her seriously. Disguised as best she can, she makes it into Nemos and infiltrates the resistance.

Arthur and Nimue

Nimue awakens to find Morgana and Arthur both with them at Nemos. As Morgana and Nimue head outside and go for a walk, they discuss the possible romance blossoming in the air. Realizing that everyone will be after the Sword, Morgana decides to team up with Nimue to help her in the quest ahead. Back at the hideout, Nimue reads a note written by Morgana for Merlin but decide against threatening to drown the land at the end. With the letter finally edited and sent, Arthur brings Nimue to a pool where they talk about their past. When Nimue tries to kiss him though, he rejects her. Later that evening, Arthur decides to leave to try and find his honour. However, Nimue convinces him to stay for the festivities that evening instead. As they dance, Nimue and Arthur eventually begin kissing. She asks him to stay for her and after agreeing, they head back to the entrance and find Squirrel arriving. The Green Knight arriving behind him happens to be a man named Gawain. Alone, Gawain and Nimue discuss her mission and he suggest she stay with him rather than heading out to see Merlin. Before they can continue this discussion however, word spreads of the Abbey burning to the ground and Morgana weeps for Celia’s death. Visiting the Moon Wing acting as the village elder, Nimue convinces her to meet Merlin in “The Between”; a shared memory where they can talk. As they do, Nimue reveals that Merlin is her Father.

The Review Write-Up

This episode we start to see a contrived romance between Nimue and Arthur which feels rushed and lacks the time needed to build this up into something meaningful. Even more questionable is the way Nimue wears lipstick and make-up which (and my history is a little hazy so do feel free to correct me) would not have been used quite so distinctly.  Aside from these little anachronisms popping up, there’s a distinct lack of progression to the plot and instead we get more melodrama and romantic angst. The inclusion of the Vikings and Cumber has only further complicated matters too and not in a rich-vibrant-world sort of way either. Given the issues this series has with depicting places and areas in the world, these only serve to add to the confusion. Quite how the second half of this series will play out however, remains to be seen but if this first half is any indication, Cursed is not one to remember.