At the FBI office in Budapest, Dandridge informs Kellett that Forrester will not be returning that day. He also asks for visibility on all major decisions and Kellet tells him that is not how they operate. Kellet updates the team on Forrester and they all feel something is off but Raines notifies them they have a case. The woman who dropped to her death was named Joselyn Bell. She was an American model and the Italian police are convinced that it was a suicide but Emma swears it wasn’t. The CCTV was turned off during the party and Smitty thinks Rossi is fishy, she has heard of him before.  Before they head out, Smitty warns Vo that the Italian Justice system is inquisitorial. The public prosecutors lead the criminal investigation instead of the police. They arrive in Italy and are welcomed by Captain Sindona who informs them the witness, Emma is under protection as demanded. He asks to have a word with Kellet and he insists that their stand on the case is that it was a suicide. He says that Joselyn was a woman of questionable character. He also tells Kellet that Emma is not a reliable witness she was drunk at the time of the incident. Kellet insists that they will get justice no matter what path Joselyn was. Kellet and Vo talk with Emma and she is certain that the man she saw with Joselyn was in a relationship with her. He used a term of endearment to address Joselyn. She believes Joselyn was not suicidal. She also tells them about Luca Rossi usually asks them to escort rich men in exchange for modelling contracts and endorsements. She denies being drunk and erratic at the scene. Meanwhile, Raines and Smitty visit the crime scene and are shocked to find out that the public prosecutor, Nunzia Linari has not sealed the crime scene. She has also brought Luca into the crime scene and he is waiting for them with his lawyer. According to Linari, there was no crime, Joselyn committed suicide. Luca answers their question and admits he owns the suite Joselyn fell from. He says Joselyn was spiralling and becoming a liability getting into debt and drugs. His lawyer is protective and tries to sabotage the questioning. Luca alludes to the possibility that Joselyn killed herself because she was about to be dropped from the model roster. Smitty informs them of a witness and Luca immediately mentions Emma. He says she is not a reliable witness, she is bipolar and the lawyer cuts the questioning short. Raines is not lucky either. The crime scene has been tampered with and there is no footage. Smitty spots a woman from a building across the crime scene watching them. She visits the woman but she is adamant she saw nothing. Smitty gives the lady her contact card and leaves. Smitty and Kellet return to reinterview Emma but she is gone. Her protection detail conveniently went for lunch and Emma disappeared. Someone saw Emma leave escorted by two men dressed in black and got into an SUV. Vo reaches out to Emma’s roommate but she tells her that Joselyn had a secret boyfriend who kept giving her expensive gifts including a diamond necklace.  Their investigation leads them to Walter Maldini who has a history of violence against women. His wealth has afforded him the privilege of escaping the law. Upon hearing that the investigation is turning to Maldini, Linari tries to shut it down. On the other hand, Captain Sindona wants to help. Smitty visits the neighbour again and leaves pictures of the crime scene at her door. Vo reaches out to Emma’s roommate again and asks her for help. She agrees to introduce Vo as a new American model to Luca. Vo goes undercover as a model at one of the parties and tries to get close to Maldini. She is about to hook him in when her cover is blown. She confronts him but he denies the charges against him. She is shocked when Maldini points her to Emma and she says she is fine.  She says she is Maldini’s guest and that she was mistaken in her witness report, she saw nothing. Vo tries to get Emma out but the lawyer refuses to let them talk privately. In another twist, Maldini’s wife shows up wearing Joselyn’s diamond necklace and insists it belongs to her. Defeated, Vo leaves the party and Maldini calls the public prosecutor to lodge a formal complaint. Sadly, they have no evidence or case against Maldini. Kellet asks to bring Emma in while Smitty visits the lady again. Emma comes in with the lawyer and Vo tries to reach out.  She insists she made a mistake because she wasn’t on her medication. Their case falls through and there is only one play left. Smitty visits the woman again, this time she is willing to talk and she gives Smitty the footage from her balcony. In the footage, one can clearly see Maldini pushing Joselyn to her death. They bring in Maldini and show him the footage before arresting him. The episode ends with Emma and her roommate deciding to change their lives. Vo is glad that they are taking charge of their future. Smitty returns to the woman’s house and thanks her for the help.

The Episode Review

Dandridge is planning something but only time will tell us what he is up to. The team did a great job even with Forrester gone. They are already used to interference with the local police and they have learnt how to manoeuvre their way to justice. It is annoying to see how rich people can use their wealth to get away with terrible crimes such as murder, and this is exemplified nicely across this chapter. Hopefully we get more good storytelling in the episodes ahead.

FBI  International   Season 2 Episode 8  Hail Mary  Recap   Review - 12