In The Beginning – | Review Score – 4/5 The Book – | Review Score – 4/5 Hard Times – | Review Score – 4.5/5 Saturday Morning Funtime – | Review Score – 4/5 The Doomsday Option – | Review Score – 4/5 The Very Last Day Of The Rest Of Their Lives – | Review Score – 4/5     Based on the Terry Pratchett book of the same name, Good Omens is a well written, highly enjoyable series. It’s one that takes its religious premise and excellent humour, adds a splash of Queen to the soundtrack and sprinkles in an all-star cast. The result is one of 2019’s finest series, one chock full of memorable moments, well-paced episodes and a satisfying ending that ties everything together, despite a few lacklustre supporting characters along the way. We begin at the very beginning. Demon Crowley and Angel Aziraphale converge together at the Garden Of Eden, discussing God’s divine plan and quite what the world has in store for them as they watch Adam and Eve leave. With their dysfunctional friendship established, the story skips forward in time as the Antichrist is born and our two characters scramble to try and stop the coming apocalypse, happy with the lives they’ve built for themselves on Earth and not prepared to give it up. As the episodes progress, a few well worked plot twists keep things interesting before the, admittedly anticlimactic, finale brings the plot to a close, with one final neat little twist bowing the series out on a high. In true Terry Pratchett fashion, the comedy here is perfectly absurdist, playing on religious, social and human issues, merging and subverting them into 6 mischievous and very funny episodes. Steering this humour in the perfect direction are both David Tennant and Michael Sheen whom the series predominantly revolves around. Despite most of the plot centering around the Antichrist, it’s ultimately these two otherworldly demons that make this series so endearing. Hearing Crowley shouting at plants to “Grow Better” and Aziraphale’s constant ethical questioning are among some of the highlights here. Given the amount of religious content here and the way the comedy revolves around biblical events and ideas, Good Omens is never crass or disrespectful to the belief. Regardless of your spiritual inclination, Good Omens never questions its own existence, instead, using this as a plot device for the comedy to revolve around. In a way, it’s a style reminisce of Adam Sandler’s Little Nicky, which achieved the same thing albeit with a very different style of comedy.  Despite a frantic pace early on and some intentional confusion with the story jumps, Good Omens settles into its role quickly, delivering a well written, hugely enjoyable series. The soundtrack is excellent, the acting is on-point and the 6 episodes close things out in a suitably satisfying manner. There are slight hints at a second season but to be honest, the series works perfectly fine on its own. While the all-star cast are likely to draw you in, especially David Tennant and Michael Sheen, the story and quirky humour is really what’ll keep you hooked until the end.  

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