Can Adults Becomes Friends Without Motive Too?

Episode 12 of Green Mothers Club starts with both Dong-Seok and Yu-Bin leaving to go to the park together. It seems they’ve patched up their differences, as have Chun-Hui and Eun-Pyo. The two parents air out their problems, as Chun-Hui admits that they’re both learning things the hard way with their kids. Later on, Eun-Pyo invites Chun-hui over for something to eat. The kids are playing together, with Yu-Bin even sticking up for Dong-Seok and his mutism. Jae-Ung is going through the motions at work and worried about his children. In order to quell those concerns, he turns his attention to work instead. Specifically, he remains dead-set on finding the sellers of those drugs on the black market. After speaking to Ms Shin at the hairdressers, he hands over a business card. She’s rattled, and it’s enough for Jae-Ung to decide launching an investigation into everyone he knows. This include Won-Tae, who’s the seller that Chun-Hui was originally working with. Won-Tae has someone higher up that he reports to but right now it’s unknown exactly how all of this slots together. He’s under instructions to bring Chun-Hui back into this operation though, so he lurks around the apartment complex, even asking some of the other mums in the park about her. With her kids asleep, Chun-Hui notices Won-Tae hanging about the front of the apartment and comes up with an alternate plan. She decides to go camping, intentionally ignoring Won-Tae’s texts and phone calls. He’s relentless, with 28 missed calls and numerous text messages too. While out camping in Gapyeong, Chun-Hui rings Eun-Pyo and suggests that she and Dong-Seok join them. With her phone running out of battery, Chun-Hui is happy to see Eun-Pyo. A big ol’ montage ensues as they all play games have have a good time together. That night, Eun-Pyo and Chun-Hui discuss their current partners. Chun-Hui reveals how she met her husband, including how all of this was done based on the pretence of him being a doctor rather than any sort of love between them. Eun-Pyo brings up Jin-Ha and the guilt she’s feeling, including how she mistreated her when she was alive. Eun Pyo has been thinking the same thing about Chun-Hui too, including how poorly she treated her. Chun-Hui also apologizes for her part to play in this. For Eun-pyo, she’s haunted by the idea that she’s to blame for Jin-Ha killing herself. In order to get over that, she needs to learn what happened that night. Through a brief flashback we see that Jin-Ha was hysterical on the phone to Chun-Hui, demanding she come over. Chun-Hui doesn’t reveal the full story but does go on to adamantly decline being to blame for what happened. In the morning, the gang begin clearing up their things but there’s a problem. When the kids head off in the morning, away from the adults to see a woman in the tent nearby, they’re given some sweet treats. Unfortunately, the macarons have almonds in them and Dong-Ju has eaten some. He has a nut allergy. As the other kids all begin worrying, crying and beside themselves with worry, the gang scramble off to the hospital given an ambulance is at least 20 minutes away. Dong-Ju loses consciousness, there’s an accident on the road, and everything points toward Dong-Ju dying. With little other choice, Chun-hui grabs her stash of drugs from the trunk and manages to save his life. Unfortunately, this also outs her secret to Eun-Pyo too. Back home, Yeong-Mi drops off some food to her husband but he dismisses her, telling the woman he needs to be on his own. After printing out his script, he shuts the computer down and takes off. In his absence, Yeong-Mi hacks into his computer and finds a file called Muse. Within this, there’s a picture labelled Jin-Ha…of Jin-Ha naked on her bed. When Chun-Hui returns home from a stressful day, she’s in for another shock. The place is a mess as gangsters have shown and smashed the place up. Ju-Seok owes more money but he turns it around onto Chun-Hui claiming she killed someone and cut off “a perfect way to get more money.” It appears he knew all about her drug running this whole time. He also blames her for killing that patient in the past, even though it was actually Ju-Seok’s doing. It was his mistake but he framed Chun-Hui and essentially ruined her life. In exchange for covering for him though, Chun-Hui demanded they get married. That’s what started their relationship. She also promised to make his life a living hell if he didn’t comply. It’s a shocking revelation and one that shows the extent Chun-hui went to to get her “happy family.” Speaking of happy families, Yeong-Mi is livid and she waits for her husband to come home before confronting him about everything he’s done. She immediately shows off the computer, where Oh Geon-U admits that Jin-Ha was his muse; his creative source of inspiration. Yeong-Mi is just his support system. Geon-U also nonchalantly confirms he slept with Jin-ha too. He calls out Yeong-Mi for her reputation and how important that is to her and leaves her a mess. It’s heartbreaking to watch. Rumours of this spreads across to Eun-Pyo, who learns about the picture. As she does, cut across to a strange woman getting on a coach. From the side, she looks suspiciously like Jin-Ha. With the name “Rhea” on the nametag, she gets off the coach and wanders through the city.

The Episode Review

Okay so is Jin-Ha really alive? Personally, I’m going for twin sister trope here as a simple switch and bait to fool people into thinking Jin-Ha is still alive. But it is interesting to see the nametag reads “Rhea Benuel” Benuel being Luis’ surname so… who knows! Maybe Jin-Ha is still alive and this is her alias. Either way though, the series has these little moments of intrigue but the whole chapter essentially patches up all the differences between Chun-Hui and Eun-Pyo, who are now friends again in the wake of everything that has happened. Chun-Hui’s character development has been great, whereas Eun-Pyo’s is a little more shaky. She’s actually not that likable half the time. Although to be fair, she does redeem herself a little in this chapter, confronting her own issues. Either way, we’re edging closer to finish line now, and there’s plenty of unanswered questions to explore.