The show premiered on April 21, 2022 and ran for eight episodes of 25 minutes each. It tells the story of Kentaro Hiyama (played by Takumi Saitoh), a 39-year-old cisgender man in modern Tokyo. He dates casually and is also successful in his career. One day he gets pregnant. He is shocked and stunned, but soon finds solace in other men who have been through same predicament.

Why does Kentaro fall pregnant?

This occurrence on a cisgender male falling pregnant is rare but noticed in Japan. The medical reason for this is not explained in the show. There have been few cases reported in the media, but the society is not ready to accept the men or their babies yet. The eight-episode long show then sketches Kentaro Hiyama’s journey as he goes through the motions of pregnancy and deals with the society. He uses his situation to benefit other men who have also fallen pregnant. Pregnant men are shunned by the society as they and their families are bullied. The situation is not at all friendly for them. Kentaro Hiyama’s campaign sheds a light of sympathy on the condition of these men. One can say, the show is simply a tale of pregnancy with the roles switched.

He’s Expecting Ending Explained

He’s Expecting ends on a positive note for the pregnant men. Kentaro Hiyama’s child is born, and other men who are also expecting are welcomed and accepted in the society. The final episode gives a hopeful outlook should such a pregnancy happen in real life as well. Kentaro Hiyama and his child’s mother Seto Aki do not get married though. They instead decide to raise the child in a co-parenting manner. They make time for each other and their son Ko without giving up their careers.

Will there be a second season of He’s Expecting?

The possibility of a season 2 seems very slim for two reasons. First, the show introduced a problem and gave its solution at the end. Second, the show hasn’t received positive comments upon its release. Some reviews have been extremely critical, others flat-out nasty and some have ridiculed the show for showing something that lacks medical proof. The show made an attempt, but it fell severely flat. In fact, at the time of writing, IMDB reports only 1.4 out of 10 for audience ratings!   Read More: He’s Expecting Season 1 Review Thanks for reading our Ending Explained article! What did you think of the ending? Do you think there will be a sequel? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

He s Expecting Season 1 Ending Explained   Why does Kentaro fall pregnant  - 10He s Expecting Season 1 Ending Explained   Why does Kentaro fall pregnant  - 92