But if you’re looking for something new to add to your watchlist, you might want to check out Hello, Goodbye and Everything in Between. This one focuses on Clare and Aidan, two high school seniors who meet at a Halloween party. It’s not long before an attraction starts to form but Clare doesn’t think dating is a good idea as she has her sights sets on college and doesn’t want a relationship to get in the way. Eventually, they decide to make a pact. They will date for exactly one year and then break up after one last epic date together. In theory, this will give them both the opportunity to carry on with their college plans after their year-long relationship ends. But when the two of them start to fall in love with one another, complications arise. Do Clare and Aidan stay together after their senior year romance? Or do they fulfil the promise of the pact and part ways? Let’s take a closer look at the movie.

What happens on their final epic date?

On their last date, Clare and Aidan visit all the places where they spent time together during their year-long relationship. As they visit such places as an ice hockey arena and a neighbourhood park, the two are reminded of the happy times that they shared and the movie flashes back to give us an insight into what happened at these locations. During these moments, we learn more about each one of them. We discover Aidan is somebody who strives for perfection and that Clare is a headstrong and career-driven girl who values honesty within a relationship. We also watch them fall in love with one another, despite the occasional falling out they have along the way. But despite the potential for a long-term relationship, Clare still wants to stick to the terms of the pact, despite Aidan’s best attempts to make her think otherwise. It is clear that Clare values her career dreams over everything else and to make sure she doesn’t lose sight of this during her final night with Aidan, she invites her best friends Stella and Scotty along on the date. This changes the flow of Aidan’s plans and he is understandably irritated by this. During the night, Aidan injures his hand and they all end up in hospital. This gives Clare the opportunity to talk to Aidan’s mother and she learns that her temporary boyfriend has been lying about his reason for not going to music college. His dishonesty angers her and they then spend the majority of their night apart after his discharge from the hospital.

Do Aidan and Clare break up?

Aidan believes he has a chance with Clare, despite the tension that exists between them at the end of their final date. But despite his attempts to save their relationship, Clare still wants to stick to the pact that they originally agreed upon. Towards the end of the movie, Aidan admits defeat and agrees that Clare should pursue her college dreams in Vermont. He decides to defer for a year and go to Los Angeles to fulfil his musical ambitions. We then see the two of them enjoying their lives apart during a montage of scenes. Of course, this isn’t the end of their relationship. While they have officially broken up, they still have feelings for one another. When Clare hears Aidan’s latest song, the two exchange texts and eventually decide to meet up during Clare’s summer break. Their meeting place is the park where the two of them had one of their first encounters. “Hello,” they say to one another as they come face to face again. We don’t know for sure if the two of them resumed their relationship as the movie ends just after. However, it can be assumed that they do try to make things work, as those feelings of attraction still haven’t gone away. They will still have to say goodbye to one another again when they both return to their respective worlds but after connecting again, it is likely that they agreed to a long-distance relationship. This begs the question…why didn’t they think of this in the first place?   Read More: Hello, Goodbye and Everything In Between Movie Review

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