
Episode 7 of Hello Me begins with Yu-Hyeon bringing home a drunk Ha-Ni. She passes out on the bed while Yu-Hyeon questions Scarlett over why he’s called Blue Bird. Just as he starts to explain, Ha-Ni suddenly stands up… and vomits all over Yu-Hyeon’s chest. Oh no… This catches us up to last week’s ending as Anthony shows up at the apartment. There, he comes face to face with the younger and older Ha-Ni. Seemingly realizing that they’re both the same, Anthony heads out. Just before he does though, Ha-Ni sprays water all over his face. Walking down the stairs slowly, Anthony realizes that Ha-Ni is the Testicles character and chuckles incredulously to himself. Meanwhile, younger Ha-Ni realizes who Yu-Hyeon actually is, attributing him to the crybaby from the alleyway at school. She encourages him to leave the house though, as Scarlett bemoans her big mouth. When Yu-Hyeon makes it to his apartment, he learns that his next door neighbour happens to be Seung-Seok. The two meet in the hallway and the latter promises to message his girlfriend rather than phoning her in future. Elsewhere, Ji-Eun is equally as drunk and she’s taken home. There, she talks to Yang Do-Yun about her association with Ha-Ni and how they used to be friends in school. While they get along well, trouble is brewing with the Chairman as Ji-Sook begins to scheme behind his back. Unfortunately this seems to include Yu-Hyeon’s bank account being frozen. Yu-Hyeon immediately confronts Han Ji-Man when he finds out and questions his Father over the account. He likens his Father to a loan shark but they’re interrupted by Joa Exercise beginning. Begrudgingly, he agrees to join in. In the morning, Scarlett fills in Ha-Ni over what happened the previous night. She’s immediately interrupted by Anthony though, who shows up and asks her to bring the photos. He throws over an envelope with money inside, as she in turn hands over Scarlett’s photo booth pictures of the two together. Anthony believes she was doing all this to blackmail him into getting money but she rejects it. In fact, she outright admits that he’s worse now than he was in school and encourages Anthony to keep hold of his money as he doesn’t want it. Later that day, Scarlett heads out with So-Hye and contemplates looking in a mobile phone shop. Only, when she does, So-Hye spies three girls coming her way and bolts off in a hurry. At work, Ji-Eun tries peer pressuring Ha-Ni into joining a contest in a bid to become more involved with the team. Unfortunately her rookie mistake of throwing away the snacks causes more problems, as the team turn against her. Ji-Eun implores her to show some skill and encourages Ha-Ni to get better at her job. Meanwhile, Yu-Hyeon and Anthony fight over their clothing again but this time it ends in disaster. Anthony claims that he smooched Ha-Ni, not disclosing the full truth about when and how. Yu-Hyeon is distraught though and watches as Anthony drives away. This spills over to his time at the kitchen too, where he mopes about and slams the cutlery down after cleaning it. Back home, Ha-Ni and Scarlett join together and pray for rain. Ha-Ni admits that she’s happy she’s there though and despite the trouble she’s caused, it’s helped her see the shortcomings of her life. It’s a touching moment, and one that Ha-Ni carries with her when she shows up on-site the following day at the strawberry farm. With all the staff members on their knees, Ji-Eun takes responsibility and apologizes for what’s happened, promising a preventative measure. Unfortunately this doesn’t work and instead the workers walk away. Ha-Ni eventually turns her attention to Yu-Hyeon and asks for his help. It seems like Ha-Ni is about the save the day, as she shows up with a whole basket full of strawberries. She encourages them all to try the different snacks, which signifies exactly how much good these fruits do. On the back of this, the farmers decide to continue working and supplying for the company. Ji-Eun heads back and gives an impassioned plea to the board, asking them to reconsider the fruit in order to keep the heart of the company intact. Thankfully it works, with Ji-Eun and Ha-Ni finally seeing eye to eye. The former gives her a compliment and thanks Ha-Ni for her hard work. As the episode closes out, Ha-Ni steps up and decides to compete in the contest after all.

The Episode Review

Hello Me bows out with a pretty lacklustre episode this week that does little progress the main plot line. Sure, there’s some issues regarding strawberries and Ha-Ni starts to grow more confident, but beyond that the central mystery and time jump stuff is completely brushed aside. In fact, judging by the preview for tomorrow’s episode, it seems like we’re gearing up for a love triangle on to of this too. Hopefully we start to get back to the intrigue with why younger Ha-Ni is in this time period, as well as spending a bit more time with her too. There is more screen-time for Yu-Hyeon this time though and he at least gets some cute moments with Ha-Ni. Beyond that though, there really isn’t a whole lot else going on here. Hopefully things improve with tomorrow’s episode.