Paranormal Activity

Episode 2 of High Seas begins with nightmares awakening Carolina in the middle of the night. In the morning, she discusses the truth behind Casandra’s ghost stories with Fernando. Despite calming her down, when she heads back into her room, everything appears messy and ransacked. Is it a ghost? News spreads fast and as the ship begin talking about Casandra, Carolina remains rattled by her presence. As she heads off to find out more, Nicolas approaches Eva and shows her the telegram he received last episode. Discussing what to do together, Nicolas prepares to write one back to his wife. Carolina tells Cassandra about the ghost incident in the morning while Detective Varela approaches Natalia regarding the blood stains he found in her cabin last season. He threatens to blackmail her, forcing her to hand over a lucrative sum of money. With this weighing heavily over her, she feeds back the bad news to Clara. With the Nicolas situation still haunting her mind, Eva approaches Casandra and confronts her over the ghost situation, especially given the frightened and impressionable crew on board. Getting nowhere, Eva laments her luck before taking drastic measures and lock-picking her way into Casandra’s cabin to look for clues. Just before she returns, Eva finds a brooch in her possession dating back to the time before the ship changed its name. While the Dimas and Sebastian situation continues to progress, the latter takes drastic measures to win over Veronica as he buys a lavish ring to try and win over her heart. Casandra meanwhile continues to read tarot cards for different passengers, leading the Captain to sit before her. She immediately asks whether he misses his wife, throwing the Captain off-guard. However, she thanks him for trusting her before walking away. There, she’s confronted by Eva who tells her she knows she traveled this ship before and expresses her suspicions over what she’s doing on-board. With Sofia released for the time being, the episode closes out with her approaching Carlos in his cell, where it’s revealed they have a child together as Sofia is pregnant. Meanwhile, Carolina returns to her room only to find a murdered crew member lying face down on her bed, covered in blood. Between the big plot twist at the end and the various supernatural elements coming together, High Seas continues to deliver a compelling mystery woven around more paranormal aspects this time out. The result is something that keeps up the campy, melodramatic elements from the first season but it does so in a way that injects some originality into the show. It won’t be for everyone this storyline, but it’s at least original and stands out. The cliffhanger ending should be enough to keep you coming back for more though and the soapy, romantic elements are enough to keep things tonally aligned to the first season too.