More Revelations

Episode 49 of Homemade Love Story start where we left off with Pil-Hong jumping in front of the speeding car and getting run over instead of Chae-Woon. She rushes over to him crying as the ambulance comes to take him away. Hwak-Se, Soon-Jung and Jae-Hee rush over to the hospital too as they need a blood transfusion for him. Chae-Woon is the same blood type so she offers to give some of hers. All the residents also arrive and wait for some news. They eventually find out that the surgery went well but that Pil-Hong is still unconscious. Jae-Hee also receives a call from Detective Park who confirms they have managed to arrest Kim. Meanwhile, Na-Ro is still looking for Kim and learns what happened. Unfortunately, Kim’s minions are after him as they want to make him pay. Seo-A has been following him to a house on the beach but he tells her to leave him be. He lies that he never had feeling for her but she doesn’t believe him and insists that she can’t leave him. The two then hugs and spend the evening together. Seo-A admits that she has changed since falling in love with him and suggests going away somewhere as she wants to be with him. Back in the hospital, Pil-Hong is taking a turn for the worse. Ms Kim and Chae-Woon head in his room and try talking to him. The latter tells him he promised to be a good father so he needs to stick around to be one. Suddenly, Pil-Hong goes into cardiac arrest and the doctors work tirelessly to save him. Thankfully, he regains consciousness. Back in the beach house, Seo-A wakes up alone with a letter from Na-Ro apologizing and thanking her while Pil-Hong wakes up to find Jung-Won and Chae-Woon by his side. The latter thanks him for saving her life. Pil-Hong starts crying as he is happy he was finally able to do a fatherly thing for her. Seo-A returns home in tears and apologizes to her mum, feeling like it was her fault. She tells her that Na-Ro has left so she doesn’t have to worry anymore. Back in the villa, Hwak-Se and Man-Jung reveal to Soon-Jung that they convinced Eun-Ji to get a DNA test. This must have made her leave as she was worried about what she would find out. They just got the result though and it shows that she is the mother. It is Ra-Hoon and Ba-Reun’s turn to stay with Pil-Hong. Ra-Hoon talks about his birth mother and how he now understands how Chae-Woon used to feel whenever she was looking for her birth parents. Pil-Hong overhears the conversation and apologizes to them about the day he tried selling them that van. Hae-Deun decides to bring some porridge to Ms Kim when she finds out she is working from home. Ms Kim tells her that having her around makes her uncomfortable and questions her pride. Hae-Deun doesn’t give up though and tells her she has finally met someone that is more important than her pride. In the villa, Hwak-Se and Man-Jung tell Soon-Jung they have been unable to locate Eun-Ji anywhere. Soon-Jung then gets a call from her landlady who unfortunately wants them to move out sooner than planned as the renovation are starting next door. All three then discuss what they should do and joke about building a new Samwang villa in the suburbs. Hwak-Se then calls for an emergency meeting in the restaurant in the evening. All the residents meet and try to find a solution. Jung-Hoo arrives too and tells them he has an idea. While taking the rubbish out, Soon-Jung runs into Na-Ro. He tells her he wanted to see her as he is about to turn himself in to the police. Soon-Jung is glad he came as she understands this must have been hard for him. She then offers to give him some food and makes him promise to come back see her. While cleaning Hae-Deun’s room, Soon-Jung finds her marriage certificate. Jun-A, Ra-Hoon and Ba-Reun come into the room too and wonder what is happening. Ra-Hoon thinks Hae-Deun made a fake certificate but Jun-A reveals that it is real and kneels down to apologize. Soon-Jung calls Ms Kim to give her the news and all four meet in the villa. Both mothers berate them for registering their marriage without telling anyone, especially as they both started to like them. Jun-A and Hae-Deun try defending themselves as both mothers start arguing with each other. Jun-A and Hae-Deun then decide that they have no other choice but to leave and move far away. Ms Kim doesn’t change her mind though and tells Jun-A to do as he pleases as she has had enough. Min-Jae decides to meet with professor Son as she needs to be clear with him. She tells him that she needs to end things between them as Ba-Wi has been getting too close and it is not fair on him. She explains that they will stay friends but needs to go away for a few days to sort something else in her life. Hae-Deun and Jun-A leave the villa and decide to spend the night in LX office. They are having a sweet moment together but are soon interrupted when all the candles Hae-Deun has lit up set off the sprinklers. Chae-Woon and Jae-Hee return home to find Jung-Hoon cleaning again. Min-Jae arrives soon after with a suitcase. She tells them she is going away but needs to speak to Jung-Hoo 2.0 first before leaving.

The Episode Review

After an agonizing beginning, we find out that Pil-Hong will recover, much to everyone’s relief. It was so touching seeing all the residents come to the hospital and wait to hear any news from the doctor. The scene where Chae-Woon and Ms Kim came in as Pil-Hong was taking a bad turn, was really emotional and tense. This will, of course, bring father and daughter close to each other and I am glad that they can finally build on their relationship. Just as Hae-Deun and Jun-A were making some progress with their mother-in-laws, it all comes undone when their marriage is revealed. I do wonder how the show will end their stories and if they will be accepted. The villa has certainly seen a lot of couples forming and theirs is definitely one of the goofiest. Jun-A is a fun character though and has good chemistry with Hae-Deun. Na-Ro is finally doing the right thing now by turning himself in to the police and I do hope that things will improve for him in the future. Poor Seo-A was finally changing and I wonder what will happen to her, and if she will finally act her age. I loved the ending as Min-Jae came to speak to Jung-Hoo 2.0. I really wish the show wasn’t ending so soon as it would have been fun to see more of their new adventure together. Let’s also hope that they find a way to keep the villa but it looks like Jung-Hoo may have an idea. The finale is up next and I will make sure to bring some tissues as I am not quite ready to say goodbye to Samwang villa and its family!

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