The Engagement

Episode 33 of Homemade Love Story starts starts after the proposal as our couple share a sweet moment and Chae-Woon puts a ring on his finger. Meanwhile, Jung-Won tells Soon-Jung that she doesn’t want Seo-Yeon to suffer anymore. Soon-Jung understands and agrees to bring Chae-Woon home with her. The latter arrives soon after and both mothers tell her it would be for the best if she went back to the villa for now. Chae-Woon agrees and heads off to pack her things with Soon-Jung. She says goodbye to Ms Kim who promises that they will keep seeing each other. Back in Min-Jae’s house, Professor Son apologizes on his son’s behalf. Jung-Hoo quickly changes his tone and pretends that Min-Jae is his daughter. He tries reassuring the scared little boy and bids them goodbye after giving Min-Jae her side dishes back. Min-Jae carries on wondering about Jung-Hoo’s changed behaviour while the latter angrily washes his floors at home. Seo-A returns and can barely contain her joy when she finds out Chae-Woon has gone back to the villa. She tries calling Na-Ro to give him the good news but he doesn’t pick up. We then see that Pil-Hong has his thugs beating him up after what he did with the emails. Both men confront and threaten each other but Na-Ro has the final word and tells him it is the last time he will let him hit him. Back in the villa, Ra-Hoon talks with Hae-Deun about her new job. He then heads to see Ba-Reun who tells him she will be moving the next day. Ra-Hoon is surprised and tells her not to leave as he won’t be happy if she is not there and it will be like air is sucked out of him. He promises to be her boyfriend properly and the two hug. Outside, Man-Jung and Hwak-Se discuss which song he is going to perform at the contest. Suddenly, Na-Ro returns home with bruises and cuts on his face. The couple wonder what has been happening to him just as Soon-Jung and Chae-Woon surprise them with their arrival. Min-Jae decides to visit Jung-Hoo with more side dishes to make sure he is okay. Unfortunately, their conversation quickly turns sour when Jung-Hoo acts jealous towards Professor Son. She ends up storming off but not before leaving her side dishes behind the door. Pil-Hong calls Jae-Hee while he is with Chae-Woon in his room. Pil-Hong didn’t come in to work but promises that he won’t run off. Chae-Woon is surprised and asks if he is ok, which touches Pil-Hong. The newly engaged couple then head downstairs as Hwak-Se has bought everyone Subway. Soon-Jung tells everyone that Na-Ro has received a promotion at work. The residents want to congratulate him but Hwak-Se lies and tells them he is not home yet. Soon-Jung calls him and everyone congratulates him. Meanwhile, Jun-A returns home and is greeted by a very happy Seo-A and Jung-Won. He congratulates his mum on finding her biological daughter and asks to speak to her. Seo-A reveals that she moved back to her old house as they had many issues. Jun-A and his mother sit down in front of a bottle of wine and finally clear the air. Jun-A apologizes about not coming to see her sooner but he struggled to tell her the truth about his failed studies in London. Jun-Won replies that she understands and is sorry for not looking after his father better when he was sick. She was busy working hard to save the company. Jun-A tells her he now understands better. He then mentions Pil-Hong and that he knows him from working with Jae-Hee. This disturbs Jung-Won as she realizes that he is doing that to get close to her and Chae-Woon. Jae-Hee heads to see Na-Ro next and confronts him about knowing all along that Pil-Hong has working at his construction site. The two start arguing and shouting, just as Hwak-Se and Man-Jung arrive behind the door to bring Na-Ro some food. Jae-Hee leaves the room then runs into Hwak-Se and Man-Jung. They tell him they heard the argument and how they know Na-Ro has been in prison. Jae-Hee then relays everything he knows about Pil-Hong and Na-Ro. He tells them that he and Chae-Woon have been trying to convince Na-Ro to move out but he has been refusing. Hwak-Se and Man-Jung decide to take the matter in their own hand and promise to speak to him. In her room, Chae-Woon looks at her ring and remembers the conversation she had with Jae-Hee. She asked that they don’t rush into things because of her current difficult situation. Jae-Hee tells her that he will always support her and that they will get through all the difficulties together. The next day, Chae-Woon heads down for breakfast and announces to her mother that she is engaged. Soon-Jung is delighted with the news and congratulates her daughter. Chae-Woon tells her mother about how worried she is with her situation so Soon-Jung gives her reassuring words. She knows they will get through this and believes that it is quite rare to find the right person, so she should hold on to him. Jae-Hee arrives downstairs next and Soon-Jung congratulates him too. Chae-Woon later heads into work and runs into Seo-A. The latter is smug to see her as she is happy she left her house. Chae-Woon is not phased though and heads into her office. Ms Kim decides to pay a visit to the construction site and finds Pil-Hong there. However, Chae-Woon arrives soon after and Jung-Won lies, saying that she is here to see Jae-Hee. The latter quickly takes her to the side and explains that he knows all about Pil-Hong but Chae-Woon has no idea. Chae-Woon joins them and the two announce that they are engaged. She tells them she is not sure it is a good idea as she wanted to send Chae to study abroad. Chae tells her she is grateful but believes she can do both. Ms Kim is not sure though and asks them to take their time. On her way back to work, Chae-Woon starts thinking and after putting two and two together, she heads back to the site. She quickly finds Pil-Hong and asks him if he really is Pil-Hong.

The Episode Review

As always, Chae-Woon’s happiness is short-lived. After getting engaged, she already faces some dilemmas. Her mother doesn’t seem to be too pleased with her news and thinks she is rushing into things too much. Is that the real reason or is it because she is worried about Seo-A’s reaction? Speaking of Seo-A, I am looking forward to see her face when she does find out! The end of the episode also sees her realizing that Mr Lee is in fact Pil-Hong and that can only mean more drama for our main character. I wonder if she will be disappointed with Jae-Hee as he kept this big secret from her. We are seeing more and more a different side to Na-Ro as he seems to be getting attached to the villa and its residents. This is a nice touch and I wonder if they will be able to forgive him when they find out what he has been doing. We haven’t seen a lot of the other characters this episode, but it has been nice to have both new couples finally getting along. Homemade Love Story may not be the strongest K-Drama out there but it remains consistent and entertaining every week, armed with some very good acting from all the cast.

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