In-kyung asks her about Ma-ri’s involvement with General Won and his school and the reporter responds by saying that she only got a scholarship because she worked hard for it. Back at the house, Hyo-rin recalls the night of Hwa-young’s death and how she came back home, late after her classes. She states that her parents were fighting as usual and she saw her leave without acknowledging her. She checked the CCTV footage and learnt that he took her grandfather, General Won’s car, something that he never does. Minutes later, she also saw her mother leave which triggered her into an episode. Hyo-rin tells the two Oh sisters that she was afraid her parents would never return so she slit her wrists to seek their attention. In-joo inquires how Hyo-rin painted the scene of Hwa-young’s death and the little girl states that it was not her first time seeing that image. She states that she has been envisioning the scenario for quite some time in her nightmares which only became clear on the night of Hwa-young’s death. In-hye mentions that she too started seeing morbid visions like that of In-seon’s death after visiting the secret room with the poisonous orchids. The young girls state that the scent of the orchid helps one see the future and ghosts but In-joo is still having a hard time processing it. Hyo-rin states that just because Jae-sang was at Hwa-young’s place that night it does not mean that he killed her. She tells In-joo that she won’t be handing the dash cam footage to her and In-joo promises to ask if she needed to see or use the video. She gives Hyo-rin her medicines and leaves. Meanwhile, Jae-sang is being hounded by reporters for lying about his humble upbringing when his father was hoarding property in Korea. In-kyung is also hounded by reporters and she is unable to chat with Hye-suk who seems worried. She reveals the real estate confidential documents she found from Hye-suk’s office to the reporters before leaving. Later that night, In-joo is looking for the dash cam footage in Hyo-rin’s room but is unable to find it before In-hye catches her. The sisters bicker and In-hye is siding with the Park family triggering In-joo. The public sentiment against Jae-sang is sour and Soo-im is worried. She tails In-joo to find that she was at Hwa-young’s house. Inside the house, In-joo waits to see who it was Soo-im who was following her. Hyo-rin and In-hye dig up a hole in the orchid room and hide the dash cam footage there. In-hye consoles Hyo-rin and tells her to trust herself. The next day, In-joo visits Jae-sang with a request from Hye-suk. She states that the great aunt wanted to meet him and gives him a photo she sent to convince him. Jae-sang agrees and Hye-suk arrives at the house for a chat. They talk about their past connections and how Jae-sang had already started destroying her business due to In-kyung’s harsh behaviour towards him. She extends an olive branch asking him to forget In-kyung’s behaviour. Jae-sang wonders how she is still alive despite her connections with the Won family. Hye-suk states that she was the one who saved General Won’s life and that she was still alive because he wanted it. She narrates a rather embarrassing story about his father’s death and Jae-sang seems upset. San-a watches Hye-suk leave the house and appears restless. Do-il warns In-joo that the Park family will be trying to get rid of her if she does not calm down about Jae-sang’s involvement in Hwa-young’s murder/suicide. In-joo asks Do-il to sympathise with her and states that she was at Hwa-young’s house to check who was following her after all. She was sure that Soo-im was the one who cleared the dash cam footage for all the cars in the lane to protect Jae-sang.  In-joo confronts him about In-kyung’s allegations. Do-il states that the woman who disappeared was his first client that he helped live an anonymous life. That evening, Park Jae-sang hold a press conference and blames General Won for the properties owned under his father’s name. San-a and Jae-sang apologise for the wrongdoings of their parents and claim that they were providing scholarships to hundreds of deserving candidates in order to repent for the wrongdoings of their fathers. This has all the reporters clapping for Jae-sang and In-kyung is left shocked. Ma-ri asks if Jae-sang helped In-kyung’s sister In-hye with the scholarship but the politician cunningly declines to comment. In-joo is at dinner with Do-il and she reprimands him for keeping her in the dark when he knew about Jae-sang’s next move. Do-il asks her to keep calm and focus on the money which is their end goal as he tells her to comply with the Parks. Hye-suk calls her asking to go help In-kyung who is by herself at the press conference. In-hye avoids In-kyung and leaves with the Park family. She is mobbed by the reporter and In-joo helps her flee and they arrive at Hye-suk’s house. The great aunt asks them to let go of the incident and move on but In-kyung is sure something is fishy. She asks the great aunt about what she found in the documents at her real estate firm and Hye-suk tells her that not knowing the best for her safety. In-kyung reads out an article from years ago and wonders if Hye-suk was involved in illegal activities along with General Won and Park Jae-sang’s father. Hye-suk asks In-kyung to stop prodding and focus on the future of the company. The two sisters have a fight outside but In-kyung is upset with In-joo asking her to calm down. The next day, Park Jae-sang, San-a, Do-il and Soo-im discuss how In-kyung’s allegations have been helping them and now the public were in their favour. Jae-sang asks Do-il to go to Singapore to get the funds for the campaign. They discuss that it was now time for her to be eliminated. Soo-im suggests that In-joo should be killed as she is a threat but Do-il mentions how the Soo-im had scared her off over her visit to Hwa-young’s house. San-a declares that In-joo is someone she can trust and asks Soo-im to leave the eldest of the three sisters alone. In-kyung notes down the address of the properties Jae-sang revealed in the press conference and one of the addresses is the Wonryeong school she visited with Jong-ho. She tries to look for documents in Hye-suk’s firm but the great aunt has had them shredded to stop In-kyung’s investigation. She finds one last photograph but Hye-suk’s assistant shreds that too. Soo-im confronts Do-il about his involvement with In-joo and he warns her, asking for her to stay out of it and leave In-joo alone. San-a is at the hospital with General Won where In-joo meets her. She asks In-joo to go to Singapore for the orchid auction. In-joo wonders why San-a trusts her after Hwa-young’s betrayal and San-a states that Hwa-young had nothing to lose after her mother’s death but In-joo still has her sisters. She gives In-joo the blue ghost orchid as a present and asks her to keep it by her bed when she sleeps. She tells In-joo that smelling the orchid when it is in bloom will help her see what she really wants. San-a offers to pay In-joo handsomely if she went to Singapore on her behalf and she tells how the orchid can go back to the “father tree” once In-joo sniffs it. She claims that only then In-joo will be able to be a part of the Jeongran Society (The International Orchid Society). In-joo appears to be in a trance-like state after the mention of that name meanwhile In-kyung tapes the shredded photograph back together. She reads ‘Jeongran Society’ written behind the photograph of a dozen people from the ’70s. In the Orchid room, In-hye is attempting to psychoanalyse Hyo-rin’s nightmare and asks where she saw the woman in the red shoes but Hyo-rin isn’t able to concentrate. Just then, Do-il is shocked to see In-joo with an orchid and asks her to meet him. She declines, stating she is tired, but he continues to follow her to Hye-suk’s house. He asks her to refrain from sniffing the orchid but she does not agree. Do-il mentions that things will be dangerous for her once she sniffs it but In-joo asks him to back off. At night, when the blue ghost orchid is in bloom, In-joo sniffs the flower and is in a trance when she suddenly gets up and walks around Hye-suk’s house. In-kyung is still at the real estate firm as she goes through the names of the former owners of the Wonryeong School. The list of owners includes Kim Dal-su, the victim of the Bobae Savings Bank scandal. She calls Jong-ho over to the firm. In-joo visits Hye-suk in her home office and asks intrusive questions confusing the great aunt. In-kyung and Jong-ho analyse the list of owners of the Wonryeong School land, which includes General Won, Park Jae-sang’s father, Sa-pyeong (the school principal), Kim Dal-su as well as Oh Hye-suk. At Hye-suk’s house, In-joo discusses the 70 billion won ledgers and explains how she will have to take risks to be rich. Hye-suk is against the idea of messing with Park Jae-sang. She tells Hye-suk how she is aware that Jae-sang killed Hwa-young and asks the great aunt for information to bring Jae-sang down once and for all. Jong-ho and In-kyung learn that members of the Jeongran Society have all died early on in their lives with four members still alive including General Won, Sa-pyeong and Hye-suk. In-joo tells Hye-suk that the ledgers and the information about Jae-sang will help them destroy him completely but Hye-suk does not agree with her. In-kyung and Jong-ho conclude that Jeongran Society has something to do with the orchids. At the same time, In-joo mentions the blue orchids she found at the scene of many deaths in the past including Hwa-young, Hyun-min and more. She alleges that all the deaths are connected to the orchids and asks Hye-suk about them. She suddenly starts yawning and is unable to speak while Hye-suk grows uncomfortable. Hye-suk dismisses In-joo but she compares herself with Hye-suk stating how they were both very similar. Do-il waits outside Hye-suk’s house but does not see In-joo leave. In-joo is in bed when she dreams about how Jae-sang may have killed Hwa-young. She wakes up with a jolt and looks at the orchid. Just then, Hyo-rin is able to concentrate on her nightmares and she mentions climbing up stairs that lead to the sky. In-joo climbs the stairs in Hye-suk’s house and walks around in a state of trance. Hyo-rin and In-hye go to the secret terrace from Hyo-rin’s nightmares when San-a stops them. Sometime after, In-kyung arrives at Hye-suk’s house and is shocked to see the door open. Inside, she finds In-joo laying beside Hye-suk’s dead body with blood all over her hands. On the floor is an orchid.

The Episode Review

This was the most chaotic episode from the show and I really did not expect Hye-suk to be dead mid-season. I am sure In-joo did not kill Hye-suk and the open door at the end could be proof of that. It could be possible that Do-il made that happen because he was waiting outside Hye-suk’s house for a while and noticed the chef left. However, he seemed really concerned about In-joo going inside which could also mean that he knew Hye-suk was going to be attacked. The Jeongran Society sure is shady, and both Jong-ho and In-kyung may be putting themselves in danger trying to uncover the truth behind it. I am sure there is something behind the stairs that Hyo-rin and In-hye were going to before San-a stopped them. There is so much to unpack with this episode but I am sure the next will be even better. Bring it on!