The Clash Of Opposing Ideas

Episode 12 of Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) Season 2 begins with Yu-Shin meeting Pi-Young at breakfast. He tries to act like everything is okay but she’s having none of it. She’s determined to follow through with this divorce. Well, Yu-Shin asks for 3 more years and to forget anything ever happened. Pi-Young is livid and disgusted in her husband, telling him that the best thing he can do right now is to stop showing his face. Y-Shin tries to play the misunderstanding card, claiming men and women are wired differently. Pi-Young demands he drive them to court but instead heads back to their apartment. With his phone on airplane mode, he drops to his knees and begs. As thy talk, Yu-Shin lets slip that he loves A-Mi. At least in a roundabout way anyway. He tries to weasel out of it, claiming he was only being chivalrous to begin with. As a last ditch attempt to appease his wife, Yu-Shin even offers to hand over all of his assets and change them into her name. When that fails, Yu-Shin then uses Ji-A as a bargaining chip, presenting a made-up scenario and comparing himself to unfermented kimchi too. Thankfully, Pi-Young sees through all of this and knows how cunning her husband actually is. And now the truth comes out. Yu-Shin claims he needed a change of pace and blames stress at the hospital as the reason. Pi-Young has ammo to fire back against that though, pointing out the time she needed him the most he was in A-Mi’s arms at the hospital. It’s actually made worse by the fact her Mum was dying at the time. For that alone, she won’t ever forgive him. Yu-Shin continues to spew these ridiculous analogies, claiming it’s just one mistake that he made. What he doesn’t understand (and what Pi-Young continues to remind him) is that being unfaithful is a pretty massive mistake to make. It wasn’t exactly a one off kiss, it’s a full-on affair that he knew would tear this family apart. Yu-Shin’s reasons become more cruel and desperate as the episode progresses, eventually seeing Yu-Shin start to cry when he realizes Pi-Young and Ji-A will be moving out. She’s amicable enough when it comes to Ji-A though, allowing him to still see her. And that ends things for good. Pi-Young starts to pack up her things but seeing Yu-Shin on his knees brings back memories of her Mother. She weeps, struggling to hold back as she realizes her Mother’s passing was worse than it should have been because of all this. Eventually, he agrees to sign the papers and asks her for the option of sitting and having a meal together from time to time. When she nods tentatively, the pair stand up and walk out the room.

The Episode Review

Wow, where did that come from? What a fantastic episode! Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) comes storming out the gates with a masterful verbal sparring match between Yu-Shin and Pi-Young. As someone who loves going to the theatre, this entire episode felt like a two-person stage production, with both characters telling a story through their words. Throughout these 75 minutes, Yu-Shin’s excuses grow ever-more desperate and  cruel as the episode progresses. His reasons are despicable, ridiculous and quite frankly insulting as a male watching this. There is no excuse for cheating and Pi-Young will undoubtedly garner the sympathy from most people watching – as she should. Seeing both of these characters and understanding more about them in this hour is probably the best work Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) has done. To be honest, the past two or three episodes have really started to pick things up and transform this show into a much better proposition. Anyone who has followed these recaps knows I’m not the biggest fan of this show but credit where credit’s due – that was a brilliant episode.