A Spanish comedy movie with a subpar, half-baked concept Spanish comedy-drama movie “Mirror, Mirror” on Netflix is directed by Marc Crehuet and it centers on four individuals at Manie Cosmetics. The storyline unfolds over the course of a single day and the four characters are under a lot of pressure at the firm’s 50th-anniversary celebration. The characters in the movie can communicate with their reflections, which can details about their lives and deepest thoughts. The individuals’ reflections within the mirror serve as a metaphor for their internal selves, which pushes us to reflect and chuckle occasionally. Paula is a talented young woman attempting to establish herself in the field while adhering to her convictions, and Cris, her sister, is attempting to understand gender and identity. Their boss, Alvaro, tries to make peace with his mediocrity. The day concludes with a party that takes an odd turn after various internal conflicts and disagreements. The movie makes an effort to use the stream of consciousness genre, which is quite original and deserving of praise. The mirror image in the movie reflects the respective characters inner selves, for instance letting one character know that he might be horrible looking and that he stands no chance of acquiring the girl he desires. Similarly, to make one character ignore her gender dysphoria, the mirror reflection has concealed the truth ever since she was young. The actors play their respective selves and the mirror images exceptionally well. Having said that, the ultimate objective of those conversations is unclear, to say the least. Mirror Mirror is a good example of interesting ideas that require good presentation. The movie’s initial plot and line of argument are quite intriguing, but they could’ve been developed much further with a focus on story structure. The center of every topic the movie tackles is related to identity, particularly in the case of Cristina’s character. The movie presents topics like feminism, the notion of what passes as beauty, and the debate of political correctness, which many people only practice for financial gain. Additionally, the movie discusses the components and problematic issues of a toxic workplace. Despite all this, the movie’s goal seems hazy, and the issues it sought to highlight weren’t all that clear. The elements that are presented, though, stop making sense and fail to keep the audience interested halfway through the movie. Even worse, the pacing here is way off the mark. The movie could’ve been longer because it clearly tries to cram too many ideas into a short amount of time, which results in a disorganized timeline. The transitions between the various plotlines could be a little smoother too, and this, combined with the writing’s generally juvenile tone, detracts from the intriguing premise. As Cristina, Malena Alterio gives one of the movie’s finest performances. She effectively conveys the feelings of uncertainty and hopelessness as her character struggles to accept their gender identity. Santi Millan also thrives in depicting an uncharismatic character for whom one starts to feel bad. Natalia de Molina as Paula also delivers a strong performance, though it falls short in some areas. If the point of this comedy-drama was to demonstrate that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, then Mirror Mirror at least partially succeeds in doing so, as the plot lacks any real depth. There are few moments where you might laugh; otherwise, you won’t feel anything for the protagonists, who frequently come off as irrational. Every character feels disconnected from one another, which results in a strange ending. Mirror, Mirror had the potential to stand out as a fascinating addition to the comedy-drama genre, if it was only developed a little more or if it had some complexity to it. Instead, this falters as a subpar, half-baked concept.   Read More: Mirror Mirror Ending Explained

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