The Story

Suffering from Aspergers, Geu-Roo is our main protagonist and he’s looked after by his Father Jeong-U. These two live together, running a business called Move to Heaven. When a loved one passes away, a team arrive and clear out the room, collecting up any valuables in a yellow box while getting rid of everything else. This forms the crux of what Move to Heaven is all about. This act also allows the loved ones of the deceased a respite from the harrowing ordeal of having to do this themselves. When Jeong-U passes away however, Geu-Roo is left on his own until guardianship falls to his estranged brother Sang-Koo. Numerous cases ensue across the season, eventually culminating in this dramatic and emotionally stirring finale.

Does Sang-Koo continue on as Geu-Ru’s guardian?

After the three month guardianship period comes to an end, Lawyer Oh tells Sang-Koo he’s not fit to look after Geu-Roo. However, the decision isn’t up to him. Despite his own profession opinion, Geu-Roo makes the choice independently and decides to keep the man around. So basically yes, Sang-Koo is now officially Geu-Roo’s guardian.

Does Sang-Koo’s debt get paid up?

No, Sang-Koo is still in Madam’s debt but this sub-plot does get settled, in a round-about way. Early on, during Sang-Koo’s fight, police raid the illegal gambling ring and arrest almost everyone involved. Sang-Koo, Geu-Roo and Na-Moo manage to escape before they’re captured. However, this is left unresolved so there is a possibility that it could be rekindled if the show is renewed for a second season.

Do Na-Moo and Geu-Roo end up together?

No, although we do learn that Na-Moo has liked Geu-Roo since she was six. The girl has never acted on it though, so this is left as wishful thinking rather than a genuine love angle to be explored.

How does Move to Heaven end?

Sang-Koo finds Geu-Roo at the aquarium of their childhood town after he goes missing. Sang-Koo tells Geu-Roo that the dead still speak and with this confidence, it allows Geu-Roo time to symbolically clear out his Father’s room. It’s a really emotional segment, one that sees Geu-Roo finally ready to let go. He finds Jeong-U’s phone and Geu-Roo watches a video addressed to him. It’s a beautiful clip; a final goodbye from Jeong-U to his son. Geu-Roo then joins his family and friends as they say goodbye to Jeong-U at the memorial center. A tree is planted, and Geu-Roo hugs it tightly.

Who is the girl at the end of the episode?

The final segment of Move to Heaven sees a girl shows up at Geu-Roo’s house requesting his services for Move to Heaven. Three months have passed and this girl is Cha Eun-Byeol. Apparently she called the team herself several days back. Quite what could be up with her however, remains a mystery. Does she have a terminal illness? Or is she just reaching out for help? Interestingly, a white butterfly lands on her head and flies away so that could be a good place to start dissecting this segment. White butterflies are symbolic of hope and transformation. We know that Geu-Roo has been going through a transformative experience this season, but this girl could be symbolic of the hope he’s been looking for. It could also hint toward an upcoming romance between the two, if this one is renewed. However, another interpretation could see this as a way of Geu-Roo looking at these new cases through a different lens; he’s seeing things with a lot more clarity after saying goodbye to his Father. It’s certainly an ambiguous conclusion and one that leave things open to multiple interpretations. Thanks for reading our Ending Explained article! What did you think of Move to Heaven’s ending? Do you think there will be a second season? Let us know in the comments below!

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