An Unexpected Visitor

Episode 4 of Reflection of You begins with Hae-Won in the past, wondering where it all went wrong. Throwing things around her studio, she’s looking for someone to blame…and that falls squarely to Hui-Ju. Jump back to the present and Hae-Won confronts Hui-Ju, pointing out the big break-up in the past and how Woo-Jae is back. According to the records we’ve seen, Hae-Won actually married to Woo-Jae right now. Their meeting is frosty, and there’s not a lot of leeway when it comes to finding out where this resentment stems from, outside the Li-Sa incident at school of course. When Hae-Won meets Hyeon-Seong later that evening, she points out her marriage and brings up what secrets he’s been keeping. She refuses to disclose where Woo-Jae is at, hinting that Hyeon-Seong has more than a few skeletons in his closet. More flashbacks dotted through this episode show that Li-Sa actually remembers Woo-Jae too. At least a little. Finding a bit of heath (a wildflower) in her room, she’s reminded of memories of a time when she was out picking flowers as Woo-Jae approached. The extent of her memories are unclear. With Hui-Ju’s publishing contract underway, she talks to an agent who suggests she open up about her past. Hui-Ju brushes it off though, pointing out how no one wants to hear about a rags to riches story that leans into marrying wealth. She pretty vehemently declines to open up about her past, which we know is shrouded in mystery. Another subplot we’ve been following across his season so far are Hui-Ju’s neighbours, Hyeong-Gi and Min-Seo. He treats his wife really poorly, pushing her around and being abusive, telling her she needs to move up the ladder at work and controlling her every move. Right after this cold and hostile meeting, Hae-Won sees him in the elevator and sends on a video, using this as blackmail material to make sure she gets rehired. Meanwhile, Hui-Ju meets with Ju-Yeong over coffee and warns her not to be so open with others. It’s clear Hui-Ju sees a lot of herself in this girl, at least from when she was younger and before marriage. While they talk, Li-Sa winds up seeing them and throws her drink at the window in enviable rage. Later on, Hui-Ju arrives at the dance studio but realizes Li-Sa has been talking to Hae-Won. She’s desperate to find out why, but she simply tells her that Hae-Won dropped by to say sorry and that’s it. She lashes out at her mother, eventually leading to Hui-Ju apologizing while Li-Sa is in the bath. Li-Sa is glued to her phone though and growls at her mother to get out. The next day, Hyeon-Seong winds up looking around his bedroom for something he’s forgotten. Only, he spies Ju-Yeong’s phone. Now, she obviously has close ties to Hae-Won, and given she gave Hui-Ju her phone, has a video front and center of his meeting with Hae-Won at the school. Hyeon-Seong shows up at Ju-Yeong’s father’s place looking for answers. Now, flashes to the past reveal that Hae-Won came to an agreement with him, needing to keep her job and telling him to negotiate a deal in order to do right by Ju-Yeong. While this is going on, Hui-Ju hires a private investigator who finds information on Woo-Jae and Hae-Won’s whereabouts. Specifically, where their apartment is. Meeting out in a secluded field in the middle of nowhere, he hands over an envelope with all the information she needs. Alone, she shows up at the addressed registered to the couple. Once there, flashes to that fateful moment during the wedding shoot reveals more detail over what’s happening. Hae-Won has her pictures taken while Hui-Ju is actually married. Woong promises to end everything if Hui-Ju chooses to stay with him as they talk in private. For now though, Hui-Ju refuses to entertain this idea. That evening, Hyeon-Seong decides to be forthright with Hui-Ju and shows her the video on Ju-Yeong’s phone. Only, she’s already seen it and isn’t actually worried. As they talk together, the couple entertain the notion that Ju-Yeong is much closer aligned than we first thought. They believe she could well be working with Hae-Won – and the one to give away the dance studio’s location. That evening, Hui-Ju’s art exhibition goes ahead… and Woo-Jae shows up. Hui-Ju’s smile disappears when she sees him. Oh no, what’s next?

The Episode Review

So Reflection of You rolls round with another mysterious episode, one that reinforces that all of our characters are keeping big secrets. Not only that, both Hae-Won and Hui-Ju continue to investigate and dance around their true intentions. We still don’t know what really happened with Hui-Ju but everything seems to be hinting toward Hui-Ju drugging him and taking off with Ho-Su. But why? Is Woo-Jae abusive? Is he manipulative? So far all we’ve seen are flickers of him being controlling but there’s just not enough to this puzzle to accurately see the big picture. For now though, the situation involving Ju-Yeong starts to heat up, as it seems Hae-Won has a much larger plan in place here. Quite what the result of all this will be remains to be seen. Reflection of You has been a decent midweek mystery though, but it also feels like one that’s much better suited to a binge. Despite that, this k-drama continues to intrigue.