Penultimate Panic

Episode 7 of Remarriage & Desires begins with Hye-Seung reflecting on what’s happened with Yoo-Hui being arrested. “It’s your turn to be happy. I’ll be by your side,” Hyung-Ju promises. The fallout certainly isn’t lost on Yoo-Sun. Instead of issuing an apology on behalf of Rex, she believes they need to host a Black level wedding. That way, the public will be swayed and forget about the screening process completely. Myeong-U arrives to apologize to Hye-Seung for what’s happened. Not long after, Hyung-Ju’s mother shows and decides that Hye-Seung should no longer tutor Jun-Ho. And in fact, she doesn’t want her to see Hyung-Ju either. Now, Yoo-Sun sees things differently and believes that she and Hyung-Ju make a good match. Hye-Seung refuses but then Yoo-Sun has her own ace up her sleeve… Yoo-Hui. Yes, it’s been less than 15 minutes into the next episode and she’s back, brushing aside the law. But how? Well, it turns out Congressman Son is the one who helped, doing all of this in a private deal between himself and Yoo-Hui. She also wants Son to bring Hyung-Ju to his knees and submit. Only then will she be satisfied and they can go their separate ways. Part of this game plan comes from interfering with the upcoming merger between the two game companies. Yoo-Hui has found some clauses in the contract and intends to use that against Hyung-Ju. When Hyung-Ju learns that his mother has ushered Hye-Seung away, he races out to find Hye-Seung and apologizes. She shrugs it off and claims it’s okay, despite him attempting to try and make arrangements in private. Speaking of private arrangements, Yoo-Sun tries to force Seok-Jin into submission, telling him to give up his inheritance. News soon breaks that Choi Myeong-U being found at the river. He was snatched up earlier in the episode and both Hye-Seung and Hyung-Ju realize that’s bad news. However, the latter is pulled into a meeting where he’s replaced as CEO thanks to the rumours currently swirling around about him. And as part of Yoo-Hui’s plan, it’s Sung-Jae who takes over. Hyung-Ju heads to Congressman Son and asks for help combatting this. Son pre-emptively claims the only way to sort this is to marry a suitable woman… and guess who he picks? Yep, it’s Yoo-Hui. When he and Yoo-Hui butt heads in the office, the latter reveals everything with Sung-Jae. Hyung-Ju is livid and heads over to see his old friend, punching him in the face for his betrayal. In the middle of all this, Min-Ji is injured and rushed to hospital. Hye-Seung comes bounding in afterwards, worried and concerned. She’s comatose too and her life is hanging in the balance. Yoo-Sun shows up at the hospital though with even graver news. This wasn’t an accident. It turns out the driver was actually paid off by Yoo-Hui.

The Episode Review

Jesus Christ that scene involving Min-ji caught me completely off-guard. I know K-content doesn’t shy away from violence against minors but that was a very brutal scene in an otherwise soapy but tepid series. These past few episodes seem to have really stepped it up a gear though, with many more political backroom deals, revenge tactics and drama to chew through. Given how slow the first half of this season has actually been, I’m quite surprised at the pacing whiplash we’ve experienced as the show is rocketing through its revenge plot with Yoo-Hui. The rivalry between these two is really heating up and learning that she was responsible for hurting Min-Ji is certainly shocking. Everything is geared up for a very dramatic finale to come, where all this drama should crescendo into a very messy, melodramatic ending.