Another Victim

Episode 5 of Signs reveals that it was Kasia who took the money hidden in the woods by Patrycja. However, Pawel sneaks in her room and sees the bag of money. In the morning, he desperately tries and get through to his daughter, inviting her to eat breakfast with him. Instead, she silently looks around to make sure he’s not still drinking. While Blazej and Ada continue to exert frosty receptions to one another, Ada heads to the station and speaks to Trela about her issues. Sobcyzk enters the room not long after though with more information relating to Paszke and his son Robert. Realizing Robert’s still in town, the duo head up to the church and speak to him about what happened to Laura. It turns out Jan visited the Mayor’s son while he was in prison. Before they can press any further however, Jonasz stops them. With Dorota by his side, he tells Trela to get a warrant before continuing their discussion. When the police leave, Paszke shows up and learns from Robert in private that Jonasz buried Dorota’s bloodied shirt. Back at the station, Trela and Ada mull over what happened up at the church and in particular over Jan’s lies. The time-frame for visiting Robert in prison just doesn’t seem to add up. This means he did visit Laura a month before she died. Following an earlier conversation with Paszke, Targosz arrives at the station . He admits the truth about the money, going on to reveal Patrycja actually does have it. This brings Trela and Ada across to Blazej’s house where they question him over where the money is. Given his earlier confession to Jan about the money, Trela suspects he’s hiding something and may know where the cash is. Martyna is released from hospital and continues her gym training, determined to confront Agaka. When Radek arrives though, she admits to him that they only had sex so she could get back at Agata. Meanwhile, Agata and Nina ride together and find Kasia walking along the road. Stopping her, they search her bag and find the money. Although Nina suggests they hand it over to Trela, Agata has other plans and promises to help Kasia, leaving Nina conflicted and alone. At a party that evening, Agata promises to keep hold of the bag for now. While she sits with Radek and listens to him tell Agata he loves her, Nina has enough and drops the bombshell. She knows about Martyna and admits as much infront of them all. Agata immediately loses her temper and smashes up the party tables with a baseball bat. In the aftermath of this, Nina and Agata lie together but just before the former leans over to kiss her, Agata promises to kill Martyna. Trela heads over to Zofia’s for tea and asks her whether she saw Laura’s boyfriend – Robert – the day she died. It turns out Robert’s brother committing suicide caused friction to grow between them. It’s obvious Trela suspects Robert as being the murderer and Zofia certainly senses this. She reveals that Robert was a kind boy while his Father, Paskze, is the one who he should really be watching out for. On the way back home, he passes Ada’s house and finds Pawel beating Blazej to a pulp. Stopping the car, he pulls Pawel off him and drops Blazej upstairs. When Ada finds out, Blazej begs her to come back to him. As the night draws to a close, Jan visits Jonasz in the middle of the night and asks him where Robert is. As they get searching, they realize he’s gone. Meanwhile, a body floats ominously up to the surface on the lake.

The Review Write-Up

With another murder victim cropping up and more clues starting to tie everything together, Signs is just starting to settle into a more consistent rhythm now. There’s lot of ties to the past and with plenty of motive across the board between these questionable characters, it looks like we’re in for some dramatic episodes to come. Having said that though, the characters still feel quite archetypal and there isn’t enough here to really help elevate this one beyond mediocrity. Hopefully this one can end with a roar rather than a whimper.    

Signs  Znaki    Season 1 Episode 5 Recap   Review   The Review Geek - 58