Tensions Boil Over

Hot off the back of last week’s tumultuous episode, Siren returns for another slice of mermaid action as the fight for dominance continues. With Ryn’s strength waning and the mermaids struggling to maintain their human facade, this third episode sees the pieces slot into place for the ensuing drama to come. We also see the fight for leadership come to a head here and one way or another, this conflict is settled. After a brief hunt on land results in the group of mermaids almost getting hit by a car, Ben and Maddie scramble to find safe refuge for them. Not a moment too soon either as the police come knocking, questioning them after the group’s shenanigans in the petrol station the night before. They soon learn that the boat offshore is mapping closer to land now too so going in the shallows is completely off limits. This leads to Ryn and the others in desperate need of refuge. A moment between Ben and Ryn hints that what he’s feeling toward her may not be directly linked to the Siren song but we don’t get long to ponder over this as the group band together to try and find refuge. After some initial concerns, they happen upon a warehouse and manage to get a water pump working, buying them some precious time to allow the mermaids to go in the water, satisfying their natural instincts. While this story bubbles over, Maddie’s Mum and Dad continue to argue over what’s best for Maddie, resulting in her Dad leaving to go to a mandatory psychiatric evaluation. A short phone call to Maddie ensues but given her Mum’s unreliability in the past, she’s understandably reserved and stand off-ish with her. There’s a brief snippet of a possible plot development to come in the form of a news reporter asking questions about the beached whales. Understandably flustered, Ben fails to sufficiently answer the questions leaving the man to ponder over what might really be going on in Bristol Cove. The main drama in the episode comes in the form of Ryn’s fight for dominance as she squares off against one of the group. This inevitably leads to them fighting inside the tank and one way or another, a victor emerges. Patching up Ryn after her fight before, Maddie inadvertently becomes effected by the Siren song and things escalate a little between the two. At this early stage of the season, it seems clear that this love triangle between Ben, Maddie and Ryn may well be the dominating storyline at work here. Aside from this love triangle, there really isn’t much else to write home about this week. We see a little more of Xander and share a few brief moments with the adults around Bristol Cove. Other than those moments, Siren doesn’t offer much to chew over in this third episode. It’s still enjoyable stuff but with the exception of the fight itself, this episode is very much used to build things up to more drama going forward. It’s not perfect but it is dramatic enough to keep you coming back for more.