Drew is himself having a tough time, having lagged behind in academics and not being able to focus on or enjoy anything. He tries to play it cool but is anxious inside. Although he isn’t in trouble yet, things look bleak for him. Stephen and Lucy’s relationship is the strongest it has ever been. They look completely smitten by each other and the former’s hesitance is gradually fading away. After a steamy physically intimate session, the two are out in town when they run into Max. The awkward meeting is handled but Stephen enquires when they get back to the dorm. Lucy tells him the truth and he seems content with her honesty and the fact that he had told her to keep the relationship open. Lucy gets an email from her English professor, rousing fear that her plagiarised story in episode 6 might have been caught by her. Pippa is cold to Lucy after the last episode’s ending. She doe snot think Lucy has her best interests at heart but Bree is the neutralizer here and they go together for a studying session. Bree has no idea about her friends and is concerned when Lucy says she has postponed the trip to India to next semester. Pippa is still sour over Charlie’s romantic advances toward another girl. Wrigley reminds her of the dinner reservations and she quickly packs up not to disappoint him. Lucy’s fears about the plagiarized paper come true. Reluctantly, with no other option, she tells the professor the truth that the story is based on her life. But the professor wants credible proof that she wrote it as the Live Journal entries are all made anonymously. She discusses it with Stephen and tells her the truth about CJ hooking up with Josh when Lucy’s father was on his deathbed. Having similar issues with his own mother, Stephen is supportive of Lucy and takes an almost enemy-like attitude toward CJ. He convinces Lucy to call her mother and corroborate the story. She does and the professor is convinced. CJ apologizes to Lucy and the two have a chat about the issue. Stephen, who was already in a bad mood after Bree gives him a cold shoulder in Evan’s room over the camera, interrupts the mother-daughter conversation and is rude to CJ. She tries to stand up for herself but invariably, Lucy storms out. Drew comes to Stephen’s room and confirms if anyone else knew about the Macy thing. He convinces him that Pippa must have written the letter. At a party, Drew storms in drunk and confronts Wrigley about the letter. They all are involved in the ensuing verbal fight, which ends up in Wrigley falling over the edge and hurting his knee. He might not be able to play football ever again (remember the cortisone injections in episode 2?) and has to undergo surgery. He blames Pippa for everything but she does not out Lucy to him. Wrigley seemingly breaks up with Pippa in the hospital. Stephen and Lucy both feel guilty over what has happened. The former goes to the spot where the accident happened and is teary-eyed seeing the tree where Macy hit the car. He has an instant realization that Lucy might be struggling too and when he gets back, they have a tender moment. It is here when Stephen professes his love for Lucy and she for him for the first time in the relationship.

The Episode Review

Depression, anxiety, and misdirected anger: just some of the keywords to describe the mood in episode 9. Once the truth about Macy’s accident was out in the open, something explosive like this was just waiting to happen. Knowing how fractured the dynamics in the group are, one could see this coming. The inherent lack of trust among all of them has caused a permanent rift. But despite the bitter taste, there is not just a single villain in this saga. Yes, Pippa was perhaps the hardest done by and Lucy somehow came under the scanner. She has been quiet all season and suddenly sprung into action in the final stages. But even she redeemed herself by at least feeling guilty. So did Stephen. Maybe if Pippa could have been spared, we would have come out unscathed at the other end. Episode 9 was high-octane in every sense. Emotions like regret and guilt dictated the tone. And this is perhaps how the literary source made one feel. Tell Me Lies will finish season 1 next week. All the action, histrionics, and drama that was titled to happen has already happened here. The finale will most probably be used either to wrap things up or set up the base for a second season. The latter is the likelier of the two possibilities and we certainly hope it comes true.