
Episode 4 of The Mire Season 2 begins down by the shore. Reporters and officers alike gather as Raptor gets cold feet. He can’t remember what actually happened and doesn’t want to testify. However, Mika is adamant on following through with this alibi and hands him a dummy. Eventually Raptor does reenact scenes from that night, although he’s very clearly uncomfortable with this. Back at the station, Anna watches the tentative reenactment from Raptor. She’s not impressed. Instead, she dives deeper into the family records and notices a strange outstanding sum. Posing as Ewa, she susses out that Jacek is keeping secrets when she rings his office. Specifically he was having an affair and paid off Daniel to keep him quiet. The night of Daniel’s death, Jacek had an alibi of being at the hotel with his mistress. Checking CCTV footage also seems to hold up this alibi. With Kazimierz Drewicz still missing, Piotr meets his daughter Joanna who arrives to see her Father. Piotr dances around telling her about her Father’s disappearance. Instead it falls to Wancyz to update the police on the man’s disappearance. Specifically, he mentions the hotel and the subsequent van he was bundled into. For now though, he keeps his sources close to his chest. Anna looks into this further, but is annoyingly interrupted by Mika being given his financial reward for arresting Raptor. Anna watches from the wings, unamused but agreeing to at least celebrate with the others with a drink. Whilst there, she questions Mika’s integrity and outright calls him a bad cop. Fighting back with venomous rapport of his own, he calls her a gypsy and a lesbian. Teresa saves Anna from this ordeal though, waiting outside the station. The pair wind up have sex that night, discussing their sexuality while linking back to time in the war. The next day, Anna returns to Jacek and confronts him over the estate. She knows he’s lying about the embankment plans, questioning why he stayed at the estate during the flooding. After all, Gronty Estate was built on a flood plain and if the water had reached him, it would have “turned the estate into a water park” as Anna so eloquently puts it. Right now, Jacek also looks like the real suspect. Anna calls him out for this, forcing Jacek’s hand as he admits a former militia demolitions expert was involved. This inevitably sees Anna doing some investigating of her own, tracking a new suspect in Jaszczerski out to an abandoned swimming pool. Jarek tags along for the ride, as the pair head into the abandoned house. There, they overhear Drewicz shouting for his life down in the basement. A small shootout then ensues as Anna and Jarek come out on top and free Drewicz from his prison. In hospital, Piotr is given instructions to go back to the hotel, check the New Year’s photo and to contact Anna Jass when he does. At the end of this episode we do see him do just this, noticing a familiar white jacket which Waldek was wearing before his disappearance. Could all of this be linked together? Meanwhile, Jaszczerski is interviewed and asked exactly who ordered him to blow up the flood bank. He claims he had nothing to do with Daniel’s murder and tellingly doesn’t disclose his source. With the tape shut off though, he does whisper something in Anna’s ear regarding the murder. She refuses to disclose what it is – especially to Mika – and heads back to the Coroners. Although Daniel did drown, Anna challenges that assessment and asks the coroner if he could have died before the bank was burst. If that’s the case, then it looks like the bank could have been broken intentionally to hide Daniel’s murder and make it seem like natural causes. Could all of this be a cover-up for a murder?

The Episode Review

The Mire returns with another episode that deepens the mystery and starts to shed light on exactly what’s going on around town. There’s still a lot of question marks surrounding Daniel’s death and who’s behind this but it’s clear now that Raptor is not responsible – and Daniel was indeed murdered. It was perhaps way too easy to suss out that Raptor was the true culprit, but now that Jaszczerski has been questioned, it seems he knows more than he’s letting on. And what did he whisper in Anna’s ear? Was this solely related to the tip-off about Daniel’s murder? There’s plenty of left to uncover with this one and the show has done a decent job so far keeping things on edge and mysterious. With two episodes to go, it seems like we’re gearing up for some pressing answers to these big questions we’ve had over the season.

The Mire   Season 2 Episode 4 Recap   Review   The Review Geek - 28